Friday, August 27, 2010













abdomen [] n. 腹,下腹(stomach and bowels)

abiding [] adj. 永久的,持久的(to remain stable or fixed in a state)

abject [] adj. 卑微的;精神不振的(cast down in spirit)

abase [] v. 贬低降低地位、威望或尊严(to lower in rank, prestige, or esteem)

abnegation [] v. 放弃,自我牺牲(renunciation;self-sacrifice)

aboveboard adj. 无欺诈的(free from all traces of deceit)adv. 光明磊落地(forthright,straight)

abrogate [] v. 废除(法令等);取消(to abolish by authoritative action)

absentminded adj.心不在焉的,茫然的

abstain [] v. 主动戒绝,自我抑制 (to refrain from something by one's own choice)

accede [] v. 同意(concede)加入(条约)(to become a party to an treaty)

acclivity [ ] n. 向上的斜坡(an upward slope, as of a hill)

accost [] vt. 问候,致意(greet, hail, salute)大胆靠近(to approach boldly or in a challenging

accrue [  ] vi.自然增加, 产生

acidulous [  ] adj. 微酸的,尖酸刻薄的(slightly sour in taste or in manner)

acoustic [] adj.有关声音的, 声学的

acrid [] adj. 辛辣的,刺鼻的(sharp and harsh in taste or odor)

acuity [ ] n. 锐利,视力或观察力敏锐;敏捷(acuteness of vision or perception; keenness)

adage [] n. 谚语(a saying often in metaphorical form that embodies a common observation)

adjudicate [  ] v. 判决, 宣判, 裁决

adjure [] vt. 恳请,(以起誓或诅咒等形式)命令

adjutant [ ] n. 副官,助手

adulterate [] vt. 掺杂,掺假 adj. 伪造的,掺杂的

adumbrate [] vt. 隐约预示(to suggest or disclose partially)

adventitious [] adj. 外来的,非与生俱来的(not inherent but added extrinsically)

adversary [] n. 敌手,对手(an opponent; an enemy)

advert [] vi. 注意,留意 n. 广告(to turn the mind or attention)

advisory [ ] adj. 顾问的, 咨询的, 忠告的

affidavit [] n. 宣过誓的书面陈述(a sworn statement in writing made esp. under oath)

affiliate [] v. 使成为会员,结盟(to bring or receive into close connection as a member)

affinity [] n. 天然倾向或喜好(implies a susceptibility or predisposition on something)

affront [  ] n/ vt. 公开侮辱, 冒犯, 面对

aggregate [] n. 集合体 v. 集合,合计(to collect or gather into a mass or whole)

agog [] adj 热切渴望的;极度兴奋的(eager)

ailment [  ] n. 小病, 不适(a mild illness)(注ail :trouble;be ill生病)

airy [ ] adj. 通风的(open to the air);轻快的(light-hearted; gay);空洞的,不切实际的

alight [ ] vi. 飞落,下车 adj.点着的(lighted)照亮的(Illuminated)

allege [  ] vt.宣称,断言,指控

alley [] n 小巷,胡同

allopathy [ ] n.【医】对抗疗法(反:homeopathy 顺势疗法)

allowance [] n. 定量(a fixed or available amount)

allure [  ] v. 诱惑,引诱(to attract with something desirable;entice)

alluvial [  ] adj. 冲积的, 淤积的

altercation [] n.争论, 口角

ambience [ ] n.气氛,情调(a feeling or mood associated with a particular place)

amenity [] n. 适意(agreeableness),礼仪(courtesy)便利设施(convenience, facility)

amorous [  ] adj.色情的, 含情脉脉的, 表示爱情的

anchorite [] n.隐者, 隐士

anemic [] adj. 贫血的, 乏力的(lacking force, vitality, or spirit)

animate [  ] adj. 活的,有生气的 v. 鼓励

animus [] n.敌意(hostile feeling or intent)

annals [] n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报(a record of events arranged in yearly sequence)

anticlimax [] n. 急转而下;虎头蛇尾

antiseptic [ ] adj. 防腐的, 消过毒的 n.防腐剂, 杀菌剂

apathy [] n. 漠然,冷淡(lack of feeling or emotion)

aphorism [] n. 格言(pithy maxim)

apophasis [] n. 表面上否认实际就是要说的话

apoplectic [] adj. 易怒的,狂怒的(greatly agitated)

apparel [] v. 装饰n.服装(clothing, especially outer garments; attire)

appreciable [] adj. 可感知的,可评估的(capable of being perceived or measured)

approbation [] n. 认可,嘉许(warmly commending acceptance or agreement)

aquiline [] adj. 鹰的, 象鹰的, 弯曲的

arbor [] n. 树阴,凉亭

archaic [] adj. 过时的 (no longer current or applicable; antiquated)

arduous [] adj. 费劲的(hard to accomplish or achieve)

arrest [] vt. 阻止(check),使不活跃 (to make inactive)逮捕

arrogate [  ] v. 盗用权力,僭越(to claim or seize without justification)

arroyo [] n. 峡谷, 小河(a brook;a creek ;a water-carved gully or channel)

artful [ ] adj. 巧妙的;狡猾的;人工的

artifacts [] n. 史前古器物(products of primitive culture)

artless [] adj. 朴质的;率直的(free from guile or craft:sincerely simple)

ascendant [] n. 优势 adj.上升的,占优势的 (同ascendent)

aver v. 断言(to declare positively)证明(to verify to be true in pleading a cause)

asperity [] n. 性情粗暴(sharpness of temper)

aspiration n. 强烈的愿望,抱负(a strong desire )吸入(inhalation)

assertive [  ] adj. 过分自信的,有进取心的(Inclined to bold or confident assertion;

astute [] adj. 机敏的,狡猾的(having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity)

audition n. 试听(a trial performance to appraise an entertainer's merits)

aversion [] n. 嫌恶,憎恨,反感(firm dislike)

avid [] adj. 热切的(characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit)

avulse [] vt. 撕脱(to separate by avulsion)

awash [] adj. 浸满水的(covered with water)

backhanded [] adj. 间接的,含沙射影的(indirect,devious;especially•sarcastic)

badger [] vt. 不断纠缠(to harass or annoy persistently)

bait [] v. 折磨(to persist in tormenting or harassing another;badger)

baleful [] adj. 邪恶的,有害的(deadly or pernicious in influence)

balk [] vt. 阻止(block)不肯前行,退缩(refuse to proceed)

balky [] adj. 不肯前行的,倔强的(refusing to proceed;restive, wrongheaded)

balm [] n. 香膏(an aromatic preparation)安慰剂(a soothing restorative agency)

banister [] n. 栏杆的支柱,楼梯的扶栏(a handrail with its supporting posts)

barrage [] v. 枪弹齐发n. 连续质问

barrage 2 n. 拦河坝,堰(artificial obstacle built across a river)

barricade v. 阻碍 (to block off with a barricade)

baseboard [] n. 护壁板,脚板(a molding covering the joint of a wall)

beatitude [  ] n.至福, 祝福

bedeck [] vt. 装饰,修饰(to clothe with finery)

bedizen [ ] v. 穿着俗丽,打扮俗气(to adorn, especially in a cheap, showy manner)

belabor [] vt. 冗长的解释(to explain or insist on excessively)

beleaguer [] vt. 使困扰,使烦恼(trouble,harass)围攻

bemused [] a. 困惑的,发呆的(bewildered)

benign [] adj.(病)良性的, 仁慈的(showing kindness and gentleness)

bent [] n. 天赋,天才(a special inclination or capacity:talent);倾向, 爱好(bias)

bewail [ ] v. 悲悼,哀泣;表示悲叹

bilious [  ] a. 胆汁质的,坏脾气的

bland [] adj. 没有味道的,不刺激的(not irritating•soothing)

blatant [] adj. 喧哗的;非常明显的(completely obvious conspicuous, or obtrusive)

blazon [] n. 纹章;卖弄(ostentatious display)v. 刻纹章

blemish [] v. 损害n. 缺点(to spoil by a flaw)

bluff [ ] v. 欺骗,愚弄;吓唬,虚张声势

blurb [] n. 简短的公告a short publicity notice (as on a book jacket)

bluster [] v.吵闹;狂妄自大地说或做(to be windy and boisterous)

boggle v. 因为怀疑,恐惧而犹豫(to hesitate because of doubt, fear, or scruples)

bolster [] 支持(a structural part designed to eliminate friction or provide support)

bracing [] n.支持;adj.令人振奋的(giving strength, vigor, or freshness)

braid [breId] v.编织(made by intertwining three or more strands)

brash [] adj 轻率的,仓促的(done in haste without regard for consequences)

bravura [] n. 出色的表演(a show of daring or brilliance)

brevity [] n.简短,简洁(shortness or conciseness of expression)

bridle [] v. 限制(to restrain, check, or control with or as if with a bridle)

bristle [] v.怒发冲冠(to take on an aggressive attitude or appearance)

broach [] v.开启;开矿;论文开题(open up)

bruit [] vt. 散播(to noise abroad)

budge [] vi. 移动(move;shift)退让 (to give way;yield)

bulge [] n. 凸出部分(a protuberant or swollen part or place)

bully [] n. 欺凌弱小者(one habitually cruel to others who are weaker)

buoy [] vt.支撑 (support;uplift)

buoyant [] adj.有浮力的(capable of floating),快乐的(cheerful,gay)

bust [] v. 使破产或资金短缺(run out of money)n. 半身像,妇女胸部

bygone adj. 过去的 n. 过去的事

byzantine [] n. 诡计多端的(characterized by a devious manner of operation)

cache [] n.隐藏处所(a hiding place used especially for storing provisions)

calcify [] vi. 钙化(to make inflexible or unchangeable)

callow [] adj.未成熟的(lacking adult sophistication)

callous [] adj.无情的, 冷漠的(feeling no sympathy for others)

callus [] n. 皮肤的硬结,老茧(a thickening of area on skin)

calumniate [] v. 诽谤,中伤 (to utter maliciously false statements about)

camaraderie [] n. 友情(a spirit of friendly good-fellowship)

cameo [] n. 小雕塑,特写

canard [  ] n. 谣传,误传

canny [  ] adj. 谨慎的,精明的,节约的(clever,shrewd;prudent)

canvass [] v. 细查;民意调查(to conduct a survey of (public opinion))

caress [ ] vt.抚爱;珍视

caret [] n. 插字符号^(文章中插字使用)

careworn [] adj. 伤心的(showing the effect of grief or anxiety;worn)

carnal [] adj. 肉体的,物质的(bodily, corporeal)

carouse [] vi. 畅饮,狂欢作乐(to drink liquor deeply or freely )

castigate [] v.强烈反对,苛责(to subject to severe punishment, reproof)

catholic [] adj.普遍的(comprehensive)包容的(broad in sympathies, interests)

caustic [] adj.腐蚀性的,刻薄的(marked by incisive sarcasm)

cautionary [] adj. 劝人谨慎的;警戒的

cavil [] v.挑剔,吹毛求疵(to raise trivial and frivolous objection)

cavort [] vi. 欢跃(to walk or move in a spirited manner)

censorious [] adj. 挑剔的(critical)

censure [] v. 责难,谴责(to find fault with and criticize as blameworthy)

ceremonious adj. 礼仪的,隆重的,过分讲究礼节的,拘泥的(punctilious)

charade [] n. 看手势猜字谜游戏;装模作样

chase [  ] n.追赶, 追击 vt.追赶, 雕镂

chevron [] n. v形臂章

chiaroscuro [] n. 明暗对照法

choleric [] adj. 易怒的,暴躁的(hot-tempered)

churlish [] adj. 粗野的 (lack of civility or graciousness;boorish; rude)

cineast [] n. 电影迷(a film or movie enthusiast)

clamor [  ] v. 吵闹,喧嚷

clandestine [] adj. 秘密的(secret ;surreptitious)

clarion [  ] adj. 清澈响亮的(loud and clear)

clasp [] n. 扣子(a device for holding objects or parts together)

clique [] n. 小团体(a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons)

clog [] n. 障碍, 阻塞 something that shackles or impedes

cloture [] n. 表决程序(一项议会程序,辩论结束后立即就所辩问题进行投票表决)

clout [] n. 权力,影响力(great influence,especially political or social)

coltish [] adj. 不守纪律的(not subjected to discipline)

commend [] vt. 委托给,推荐(to mention with approbation)嘉奖(praise)

commitment [] n. 许诺,义务(an engagement to assume a financial obligation)

committed [] adj. 受约束的,负有责任的(obligate, bind)

compartmentalize [] vt. 划分(to separate into distinct parts)

compelling [ ] a. 强制性的;迫切需要引起注意的;令人信服的

compendium [] n. 纲要(a brief summary of a larger work)

compliment [] vt. 称赞expressing or containing a compliment

comply vi. 顺从,答应(to conform or adapt one's actions to another's wishes, to a rule, or to necessity)

compunction [] n. 后悔(anxiety arising from awareness of guilt)

concerted [] adj. 商议定的(mutually agreed on)共同完成的(performed in unison)

conciliate [] v. 安抚,调和(to overcome the distrust or animosity of; appease)

condign [] adj. 应得的,恰当的(deserved, appropriate)

condole [] vi. 表达同情或悲伤(to express sympathetic sorrow)

confine [] vt. 禁闭 (something that restrains)

confluence [] n.汇合(a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point)

congeal [] v. 凝固(to make viscid or curdled;coagulate)

conjecture [] n./ v.推测,猜测(inference from defective or presumptive evidence)

connive [] vi. 暗中合作, 密谋(to cooperate secretly or have a secret understanding)

conscientious [] adj. 本着良心的;负责的,谨慎的(thorough and assiduous)

constringe [] vt. 压缩(to cause to contract; constrict)

consummate [] adj. 完美的(complete in every detail; of the highest degree)

contingent [  ] adj.可能发生的,依条件而定的,偶然的

contravene [] v. 违反,反驳,反对(to oppose in argument:CONTRADICT)

conversant [] adj. 熟悉的,亲近的(having frequent or familiar association)

convoke [] v. 召集会议(to call together to a meeting;assemble)

convulsion [] n. 痉挛(violent, involuntary muscular contractions)骚乱

coquette [ ] n.风骚的女人,玩弄男人的女人(a woman who flirt insincerely)

cordon [] n. 警戒线(extended line of police to prevent access or egress)

corona [] n. 冠壮物,光环,日冕

coterminous adj. 有共同边界的,邻接的

counterbalance v. 使平衡(counterpoise);抵消,补偿(offset)

counterfeit [] n. 赝品,伪造品(something counterfeit:forgery)

coven [] n. (尤指十三个)女巫的集会(an assembly or band of usually 13 witches)

covert [] adj.隐蔽的,偷偷摸摸的 n.掩蔽处, 隐藏处

cramped [] n.不宽敞的(confined, incommodious)

crass [] adj. 粗俗的;粗厚的;愚钝的(without refinement or sensitivity)

crave [] v. 渴望(to yearn for)恳求(to ask for earnestly)(反)spurn摒弃

craven [] adj. 懦弱的(timid)n.懦夫 (coward, dastard)

crook [] n.(弯柄)手杖;牧羊人的牧杖;拐弯处;骗子

croon [] v. 低声歌唱 ,低吟(to sing or hum in a soft ,soothing voice)

crouch [] v. 蹲伏、弯腰(to stoop, especially with the knees bent)

crutch [] n. 拐杖,支撑(a support to assist a lame person in walking)

crux [] n. 中心,关键(the central or pivotal point);难题

cryptic [] adj. 秘密的,神秘的(mysterious);含义模糊的(puzzling)

cumbersome [] adj. 笨拙的,累赘的(unwieldy because of heaviness and bulk)

cunning [] adj. 狡猾的(characterized by wiliness and trickery)

curt [] adj. 简略的(rudely brief in speech or abrupt in manner)

dais [ ] n. 讲台,主席台(a raised platform, as in a lecture hall, for speakers or honored guests)

damper [] n.抑制因素,泼冷水(a dulling or deadening influence)

dank [] adj. 阴湿的(unpleasantly moist or wet)

dapper [] adj. 衣冠楚楚的;干净的(neat ,trim or smart in dress or demeanor)

dart [] vi. 疾驰,飞奔 n.标枪

dawdle [] v.n. 游手好闲,虚度光阴(to waste by trifling;idle)

deactivate [  ] vt.解除动员, 使无效

deadpan [] adj.无表情的,冷漠的(wooden; impassive)

debris [] n.碎片,残骸(the remains of something broken down or destroyed)

debunk [] v. 揭穿真面目,暴露(to expose the sham or falseness of)

decent [  ] adj. 象样的,得体的;高雅严肃的,正派的

decrepit [] adj. 衰老的,破旧的(weakened by old age; worn out by long use)

deficiency [] n. 缺乏,不足(insufficiency, an amount that is lacking or inadequate)

definitive [  ] adj. 决定性的,最后的,确定的(most reliable or complete)

defuse [] vt.抚慰,减轻(to make less dangerous or tense);去掉…的雷管

deft [] adj. 灵巧的,熟练的,敏捷的(skillful ,nimble ,facile)

degenerate [ ] adj.退化的v.退化

deject [] vt. 使沮丧,使灰心(to make gloomy in spirits)adj.沮丧的

delicacy [] n.精致(fineness);令人愉悦的事情(something delightful or pleasing)

delusion [] n.错觉(an abnormal mental state)

demolition [] n. 破坏,毁坏(destruction by explosives)

demoralize [] vt. 使道德颓废;使堕落;挫折锐气

demotic [] adj.通俗的,大众化的(popular)

demur [] v.拖延,反对(to make objection ,esp. on the grounds of scruples)

denounce [] v. 公开指责,揭发(to condemn or censure openly or publicly)

deplore [] vt.深表遗憾(regret);反对(to consider deserving of deprecation)

deploy []v.展开(有策略性的);调度(to spread out strategically)

deposit [] vt.沉淀 n.沉淀,押金(to put or set down; place)

deprecate [] vt. 不赞成,贬低(to express earnest disapproval of)

depressant [] adj. 有镇静作用的n. 镇静剂

depressed adj. 沮丧的(low in spirits:sad;especially:affected by psychological depression)

deprivation n. 剥夺(the state of being deprived)损失,匮乏(privation)

derelict [] adj. 玩忽职守的 n.被遗弃的人

derogate [  ] v. 贬损,毁损,诽谤

deseam vt. 除去表面上之缺陷

desecrate [] vt.亵渎,污辱(to treat with sacrilege;profane)

designate [] vt.任命,命名(entitle)

despise [] vt.轻视(to regard with contempt or aversion;scorn)厌恶(to hate)

detach [] vt. 分离(unfasten or separate);派遣(to sent on a special mission)

detachment n. 超然公正,不偏不倚

detain [] v. 拘留(to keep under restraint);阻止(to keep from processing)

detoxification [] n. 解毒

detract [] v. 减去,贬低(to take away a part ,as from value or reputation)

detritus [] n. 废品(a product of disintegration, destruction);废墟

devout [] adj. 虔诚的(devoted to religion)

dew [] n. 露水

dexterous [] adj.心灵手巧的(skillful and competent with the hands)

diaphanous [] adj.精致的,几乎透明的;模糊的,非实在的(vague or insubstantial)

diffuse [] adj.罗嗦的,冗长的(being at once verbose and ill-organized)

dim v. 使暗淡,使模糊,使失去光泽

dire [] adj.悲惨的(dismal,oppressive);可怕的

discharge [] vt.解雇(to dismiss from employment)

discomfit [] v. 使窘迫;使沮丧 (to confuse and deject)

discombobulate [] v.使混乱,使仓惶失措(to confuse or disconcert)

discommode [] v. 使不便;打扰(to cause inconvenience to;trouble )

disconcert [] vt. 使困惑,使不安(to disturb the self-possession of ,perturb)

discredit [] v. 羞辱(to injure the reputation)

discretion []n.慎重(circumspection);判断力(ability to make responsible decisions)

discretionary [] adj.随意的,自主决定的(exercised at one's own discretion)

disinclination [] n. 不起劲,不感兴趣,小厌恶(slight aversion)

disinfect [] vt. 消毒(to free from infection)

dismantle [] vt. 拆除...的设备,分解(to take to pieces)

dismay [ ] n.沮丧,惊慌v.使沮丧,使惊慌

disparate [] adj. 迥然不同的(basically different);不相关的(unrelated)

dispassionate [] adj.冷静的(calm);公正的(impartial)

dispatch [] n. 迅捷(speedy action) v. 派遣,一下做完

dispose [] vt. 使倾向(incline)vi.处理掉(与of连用)

disrupt [] vt. 使分裂(to break apart);扰乱,打断(to disturb or interrupt)

dissent [] vi. 持异议,不同意,不墨守成规(to differ in opinion or sentiment)

dissident n.有不同意见者,持不同政见者(one who disagrees; a dissenter)

dissipate [] vt. 驱散(dispel);浪费(squander);放纵(to be dissolute)

dissolve [] v. 溶解(to cause to pass into solution);解散(disintegrate)

distain [] v. 贬损,伤害名誉

divulge [] vt.泄漏秘密(to make known as a secret)

dogged [] adj. 顽固的,顽强的(marked by stubborn determination)

don [] vt. 穿上(to put on or dress in an article of clothing)

dour [] adj.严肃的,严厉的(sullen; gloomy; severe ;stern)

downplay [] vt. 低估,轻描淡写(to minimize the significance of);贬低(play down)

dowdy [  ] adj. 衣衫褴褛的, 寒酸的

doyen [] n. 老资格,首席(the senior member of a body or group)

drab [  ] adj. 土褐色的, 单调的

dreary [] adj. 沉闷的 (having nothing likely to provide cheer)

drivel [] vi.说傻话n.胡言乱语,傻话(silly or meaningless talk)

dulcet [] adj.(声音)悦耳的(pleasing to the ear; melodious)

dullard [] n.愚人,笨蛋(a stupid or insensitive person)

dupe [] v.欺骗(to delude by underhand methods) n. 傻瓜,易受骗的人

duplicity [] n. 两面派,伪善(double-dealing; hypocrisy)

dwindle [ ] v.逐渐缩小;衰落(to become gradually less until little remains)

dyspeptic adj. 消化不良的;阴郁的;脾气坏的(of or displaying a morose disposition)

earnest [] adj.认真的;诚恳的(proceeding from an serious state of mind)

ebullient [] adj.热情奔放的(showing excitement)

echelon [  ] n. 梯队(军队的一种队形);等级

eclat [] n.辉煌成就(a notable success)

eclipse [] n.v.日月蚀;使黯然失色(darken;extinguish)

eerie [] a. 怪诞的,可怕的,奇异的,不安的(strange and frightening)

effete [] adj.衰老的;疲惫的(no longer fertile)

effluvium [] n. 臭气(noxious smell);没用的副产品(pl.effluvia)

effusive [] adj. 感情横溢的;喷发的(pouring forth;gushing)

eleemosynary [] adj.施舍的;慈善的(supported by charity)

elevate [] v.举起;提升(rank or status);振奋(moral,intellect,culture,spirits)

emaciate [] v .使憔悴(to make feeble);减肥

embark [] vi.上船;开始从事(commence)

embarrass [] vt.使困窘(to cause to feel self-conscious or ill at ease);妨碍(impede)

embrace [] n.v.拥抱;乐于接受(to take up especially readily or gladly)

emollient [] adj.使柔软的n. 润滑剂,安慰剂

enfranchise [] vt. 给予选举权;解放(to endow with the right to vote)

entrance [] vt.使狂喜;使入迷(carry away with emotion)n.入口

envious [ ] adj. 嫉妒的, 羡慕的

ephemeral [] adj.朝生暮死的;极短暂的(lasting a very short time)

epic [] n.史诗 adj.史诗的;英勇的;超出正常范围的

equable [] adj. 稳定的(unvarying; steady);心态平和的(not easily disturbed; serene)

epitome [] n.摘要(summary);典型(a typical or ideal example)

equipoise [] n.v.平衡

espouse [] vt.支持;拥护(adopt; support)参加婚礼,结婚(to take in marriage;marry)

ethereal [] adj. 轻飘的;空气的;太空的(light; heavenly)

euthanasia [  ] n. 安乐死(easy and painless death)

evict [] vt.赶出;驱逐(expel)

exacerbate [] vt.激怒;使加剧(worsen;embitter)

exalt [] v. 提升;赞扬(raise in rank or dignity; praise)

exasperate [] vt. 激怒,使加剧 adj.激怒的

exceptionable adj. 引起反感的,会引起反抗的

exceptional [] adj.例外的,异常的,特别的(being an exception; uncommon)

excoriate [] v. 严厉批评(to censure strongly;denounce)

excruciate [] vt. 施酷刑;折磨(afflict)

excursive [] adj. 离题的;散漫的(having the nature of digression)

execrate [] v.憎恶;咒骂(curse; express abhorrence for)

exonerate [] v. 免除责任;确定无罪(acquit; exculpate)

expedite [] vt.加快(hasten)adj.无阻碍的;迅速的

expedition [] n.远征;探险队;迅速

expendable adj. 可消费(耗)的,不值得保存的,可牺牲的

explicit [] adj.外在的;清楚的;直率的;结尾的(totally clear; definite)

expostulate [  ] v. 规劝,告诫(argue earnestly to dissuade, correct, or protest)

expurgate [] v.净化;删去不当处(clean; remove offensive parts of a book)

exscind [ ek5sind ] vt.割开, 切除, 切断(to cut out, cut away)

exsert [  ] vt.使突出, 使伸出(thrust out, push forth)

exquisite [] adj.高雅的;精致的(characterized by intricate and beautiful design)

extenuate [] vt.减轻;使人原谅(weaken; mitigate)

extirpate [  ] vt.消灭, 根除, 毁灭(to destroy, exterminate, cut out, exscind)

extort [] v.敲诈;强占(wring from; get money by threats, etc.)

extract [] n.榨出物;摘录 vt.榨取;摘录

extraction n. 血统,出身(origin; lineage);提取, 摘要

extricate [] vt.使解脱,救出(free; disentangle)

exuberant [] adj.繁茂的;丰富的;非常高兴的(abundant; effusive; lavish)

exude []使)流出;(使)渗出(discharge; give forth)

exult [] v.狂喜(rejoice)

facetious [] adj. 轻浮的;好开玩笑的(humorous;jocular;witty)

facilitate [] vt.帮助;使容易;促进(make less difficult)

faction [] n.派别;派系斗争(party; clique; dissension)

factitious [] adj. 人工的,做作的,虚假的

fallow [] adj.休耕的;闲置的(plowed but sowed; uncultivated)

falsehood [] n.谎言;虚假

falter [] n.v. 蹒跚;颤抖;动摇(hesitate)支吾说话

fanatic [] n.狂热者;盲信者 adj.狂热的;盲信的

fateful [] adj.命中注定的;重大的;致命性的(vitally affecting subsequent events;momentous)

fatigue [] n.v.疲惫 adj.疲惫的

fatuous []adj.愚昧的;痴呆的;虚幻的(foolish;inane)

faze [] vt. 打扰,折磨,使狼狈(disconcert; dismay)

feckless [] adj. 无效的;无力气的;粗心不负责任的(careless and irresponsible)

feeble [] adj.衰弱的;无效的(lacking strength;weak.)

fester [] n.脓疮 v.溃烂;感染(to infect, inflame, or corrupt.);烦恼

fidelity [] n.忠诚;尽职(loyalty)

figment [  ] n. 臆造的事物,虚构的事(something made up or contrived)

finch [] n.雀类鸣鸟(如燕雀,金丝雀)

finicky [] adj. 过分讲究的(extremely nice, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards)

flamboyant [] adj. 辉耀华丽的;火焰似的;浮夸的

flippancy [] n. 轻率,无礼

flit [] n.v.掠过;迁徙(fly; dart lightly; pass swiftly by)

flock [] n.一群;大量 v.聚结

flounder [] n.v.挣扎;犯错;困难地往前走

flourish [] vi.繁荣;茂盛;炫耀(grow well; prosper; make sweeping gestures)

flout [] n.v.蔑视(reject; mock)

fluster [] v. 慌乱(confuse)

foil [] v.挫败 n.金属薄片

foible [] n.小缺点

footloose [] adj.自由自在的

forebear [] n.祖先

forbearance [] n.克制;忍耐;宽容

formidable [] adj.可怕的;艰难的(menacing; threatening);令人钦佩的,优秀的

fracas [] n.喧闹的吵架(brawl; melee)

frail []adj.虚弱的;脆弱的;(意志)薄弱的

fraternal [  ] adj.兄弟的, 兄弟般的, 友爱的

fraught [  ] adj.充满…的(filled with a specified element or elements; charged)

freight [ ] n. 货物,货运;vt. 装货,运送

friable [] adj.易碎的;脆的(readily crumbled; brittle)

fret [] n.苦恼;侵蚀 v.使苦恼;侵蚀;烦恼

friable [] adj.易碎的;脆的(readily crumbled; brittle)

frigid [] adj.酷寒的(intensely cold)

frivolous [] adj.轻浮的,琐屑的(lacking in seriousness;relatively unimportant)

frothy [] adj. 泡沫的;浅薄的(playfully frivolous in character or content)

frowsy [] adj.肮脏的;难闻的(sordid)

furor [] n.喧闹;狂怒;狂热(a general commotion; public disorder or uproar)

fury [] n.暴怒;狂怒;狂暴(violent anger; rage)

fussy [] adj. 过分注重细节的;挑剔的(requiring great attention to sometimes trivial details)

fusty [] adj. 发霉味的(smelling of mildew or decay;musty);守旧的(antique)

gall [] n.v.(使)烦恼;(使)焦躁;难堪(annoy; chafe)

gallant [] adj.华丽的;英勇的

gangly [] adj.身材瘦长的(gangling.)

garble [] v.曲解;篡改;混淆(mix up; jumble; distort)

garish [] adj.俗丽的;过分装饰的(gaudy)

gash [] n.砍得很深的伤口;很深的裂缝(a long, deep cut)

gauche [] adj.笨拙的;粗鲁无礼的;缺乏社交经验的(lacking social polish; tactless)

gauge [] n.度量规格;测量器具 vt.度量;估计

generic [  ] adj. 属的, 类的(of a genus);一般的, 非特殊的(general)

genetic [ ] adj. 遗传的,基因的,起源的

genial [] adj.和蔼的;亲切的(having a pleasant or friendly disposition or manner)

genteel [] adj.上流社会有教养的;文雅的;时髦的(well-bred; elegant)

germane [] adj. 有密切关系的(being at once relevant and appropriate:fitting)

germinate [  ] v. 使发芽,使发生,使发展

giddy [] adj. 轻率的(lightheartedly silly:frivolous)

given adj. 有倾向的,喜爱…的(prone,disposed)

glaze [] n.釉v.使表面光滑(a smooth slippery coating of thin ice)

glitch [] n. 小故障(a usually minor malfunction)

gloat [] vi. 满足的看(有幸灾乐祸的味道)

gloss [] n. 简短解释(a brief explanation of a difficult;annotate);v. 使有光泽

glossary [] n.术语表(a collection of textual glosses)

glossy [] adj. 平滑的,有光泽的(having a surface luster or brightness)

glut [] n. 大量,充斥,吃饱(an excessive quantity•oversupply)

glutton [] n. 贪吃者(one given habitually to greedy and voracious eating)

gorge [] n. 峡谷vi. 狼吞虎咽(to eat greedily or to repletion)

gossamer [] n. 无实体东西(sth. light or insubstantial) adj. 轻而薄的(extremely light)

gouge [  ] v. 挖取,掘取;诈骗钱财,敲竹杠

grandeur [] n. 庄严,伟大(the quality or state of being grand)

grandiose [] adj. 宏伟的,印象深的(imposing;impressive)

grate [] v.碾磨;发出刺耳声音;使烦恼(irritate,fret)

gratify [] vt. 使满足(give pleasure or satisfaction to;please)

gratuitous [] adj. 无根据的(unwarranted);免费的(given freely)

gravel [l] n. 鹅卵石;卵石堆(a stratum or deposit of gravel)

grimace [] n. 面部扭曲,痛苦表情,鬼脸(a sharp contortion of the face expressive of pain)

grisly [] adj. 恐怖的(inspiring horror or intense fear)

groove [] n. 槽(a long narrow channel or depression)

grotesque [] adj. 奇异的(fanciful, bizarre)

grotto [] n.小洞穴, 岩穴, 人工洞室(a small cave or cavern)

grove [] n.小树林(a planting of fruit or nut trees)

grovel [] vi.卑躬屈膝(crawl or creep on ground; remain prostrate)

grueling adj.筋疲力尽的(trying to the point of exhaustion)

guile [] n. 狡猾,狡诈(deceitful cunning•Duplicity)

gullible [] adj.轻信的(easily duped or cheated)

gull: to take advantage of (one who is foolish or unwary):deceive 利用,欺骗

gully [] n.小峡谷(a small valley or gulch)

gush [] n. 涌出, 感情外溢(make an excessive display of feeling)

guzzle [] v. 狂饮(to drink especially liquor greedily)

hack [] n. 出租用老马(a jade),雇佣文人v.乱砍(to cut or sever with repeated irregular blows)

halcyon [] adj. 宁静的(calm);繁荣的,丰富的(prosperous;affluent)

hale [] adj. 强壮的,健壮的(free from defect;sound)

half-baked adj.考虑不成熟的(lacking adequate planning or forethought;lacking in judgment,

hallmark [] n. 典型的特征,特点(a distinguishing trait, or feature)

hallow [] vt. 视为神圣(to make holy or set apart for holy use)


halting [] adj. 蹒跚的,犹豫的(marked by a lack of effectiveness)

ham-handed adj. 笨手笨脚的(lacking dexterity or grace)

hamstring [] vt. 使残废,使无效(to make ineffective ;cripple)

hankering [] n. 渴望(to have a strong or persistent desire)

haphazard [] adj. 偶然的(marked by lack of plan, order, or direction)

harangue [] v. 长篇大论(to address in a ranting way)

harass [] v.烦扰(to annoy persistently)

hard-bitten [] adj. 顽强的,坚韧不拔的,不屈的(seasoned or steeled)

hardy adj. 勇敢的,鲁莽的;强健的(capable of withstanding adverse conditions)

hasty [] adj. 匆匆的,急忙的(done or made in a hurry);轻率的(fast&typically superficial)

haunt [] vt. 常去(resort);(思想)萦扰(to come to mind continually)

haven [] n. 避难所,安全的地方(a place of safety)

hearten [] vt. 鼓起勇气,激励(to give heart to)

hegemony [] n.霸权,统治权(preponderant influence or authority over others)

heinous [] adj.可憎的,十恶不赦的(hatefully or shockingly evil•abominable)

hem [] n. (衣服或裙子的)褶边

herald [] vt. 预告(to give notice of);n.传令官

hermetic [] adj. 秘术的,深奥的(having to do with the occult sciences, especially

herpetologist [st] n. 爬虫学家(dealing with reptiles and amphibians)

hidebound [] adj. 顽固的(having an inflexible character)

hideous [] adj. 丑陋的(exceedingly ugly)

hie [] v. 急忙;疾走;催促(to go quickly)

hike [] v. 使高涨,拉起(to rise up)远足

hilarious [] adj. 热闹的(marked by or affording hilarity)

histrionic [] adj.戏剧的(of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater)

hive [] n. 闹市(a place swarming with activity)

hoard [] n./v. 贮藏,秘藏(to keep (as one’s thoughts) to oneself)

hodgepodge [] n. 大杂烩(a heterogeneous mixture)

homage [] n. 敬意,尊敬,效忠(expression of high regard)

hone []v. 用磨刀石磨(to make more acute;whet) n. 磨刀石,抱怨,想念

honorarium [] n.酬劳

hoodwink [] vt. 欺骗, 迷惑(to deceive by false appearance)

hortative [] adj. 鼓励的(giving exhortation)

hovel [] n. 小屋(a small, wretched, and often dirty house)

hubris [] n. 狂妄自大(exaggerated pride or self-confidencehubristic)

humility [  ] n. 谦恭,谦逊 (the quality or state of being humble)

hybrid [] adj. 混合的;杂种的;混合语的n. 杂种(something heterogeneous)

husk [] n.(果类或谷物的)外壳(通常用复数);皮;无价值之物

hypnotic [] adj. 催眠的,于催眠的(tending to produce sleep)

ichthyologist [] n. 鱼类学者,鱼类研究者(one that deals with fishes)

idiosyncrasy n. 特质,特性(a peculiarity of constitution or temperament)

ignite [] v. 点燃(to set afire),使灼热;使兴奋(to arouse the passions of; excite)

ignominy [] n. 耻辱(deep personal humiliation and disgrace)

illumination [] n. 照明;阐明;启发;装饰图案

imbibe [] v. 象喝一样地吸收或吸进(to absorb or take in as if by drinking)

imbue [] v. 浸透,(用感情)充满(与with连用)

imbroglio [] n. 纷乱,纠葛,纷扰,一团糟(a violently confused altercation)

immaterial [] adj. 非物质的,无形的,精神的(of no substantial consequence)

immemorial [] adj. 古老的(existing since beyond the reach of memory, record)

imminent [  ] adj. 紧急的,马上要发生的;迫近的

imp [] n. 顽童(a mischievous child)

impassioned [] adj. 热情洋溢的,感情充沛的

impassive [] adj. 冷漠的, 无感情的 ,平静的

impersonal [] adj. 客观的,无个人喜好的;没有感情的,冷淡的;没有人情味的

impersonate [  ] vt. 模仿,假扮; 体现(to embody)

impertinence n. 不适当,傲慢(insolence),无礼;不相干(irrelevance)

impervious []不能渗透的,不受影响的,密封的;不会被损害的

impend [] vi. 即将发生(to be about to occur ;imminent, proximate)

impenitent [] adj. 不悔悟的(not feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain)

imperative [] adj. 命令式的,急需的,势在必行的,强制的(expressive of a command)

imperial [] adj. 帝王的,至尊的;壮丽的,堂皇的

imperious [] adj. 傲慢的,专横的(marked by arrogant assurance)

impertinent [] adj. 鲁莽的,粗鲁的(characterized by insolent rudeness);不恰当的

impetuous [] adj. 冲动的,急躁的(marked by impulsive vehemence or passion)

impiety [] n. 无信仰,不虔诚(the quality or state of being impious)

implore [  ] vt.恳求, 哀求(to appeal to in supplication; beseech)

imposing [] adj. 使难忘的;壮丽的(impressive in size, dignity, or grandeur)

importune [  ] adj. 强求的, 胡搅蛮缠的(to beg persistently or troublesomely)

impotent [] a. 无力的,虚弱的,无效的(lacking in power, strength)

impudent [] adj. 放肆无礼的,厚颜无耻的(marked by contemptuous or boldness)

impugn [] v. 指责,对…表示怀疑(to assail by words or arguments)

impuissance [] n. 无权;无力;虚弱

inadvertent [] adj. 不注意的,疏忽的(not focusing the mind on a matter)

inalienable [] adj. 不能让与的,不能交出的(incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or

inane [] adj. 空洞的(lacking significance, meaning, or point)

incandescent [] adj. 白炽的(strikingly bright, radiant, or clear)

incantation n. 咒语

incarnate [] vt. 体现,使具体化,使成化身adj.人体的(invested with bodily and especially

incendiary [] adj. 放火的;煽动的,教唆的(involving a deliberate burning of property)

inception [] n.开端,开始,取得学位(an instance of beginning;commencement)

incessant [] adj. 不断的,不绝的,无尽的(continuing without interruption)

incinerate [] vi. 烧成灰烬(to cause to burn to ashes)

incite [] v 煽动,刺激(to move to action:stir up:spur on:urge on)

inclement [] a.(天气)严酷的,严厉的(lacking mildness)

incongruent [] adj. 不协调的,不合适(not superposable to be coincident throughout)

inconsequential [] adj. 不合逻辑的,不合理的;不重要(of no significance)

incorrigible [] adj. 无药可救的,固执的(incapable of being corrected or amended)

incorporate v. 包含,吸收(to blend or combine thoroughly) 体现(embody)

incriminate [] vt. 归罪,使负罪,控告(to proof of involvement in a crime or fault)

inculcate [  ] v. 反复灌输,谆谆教诲

inculpate [] vt. 使…有罪(to incriminate)

incursion [] n.侵犯,入侵 (a hostile entrance into a territory)

incumbent adj. 职责所在的,富有…义务的(imposed as a duty:obligatory)

indebted [] adj. 有义务的,感激的

indelible [] adj. 擦试不掉的,不可磨灭的(ineradicable, inerasable, inextrpable)

indemnity [] n. 赔偿,补偿;保护(security against hurt, loss, or damage)

indict [] vt. 起诉,控告,指控(to accuse of wrongdoing; charge)

indigenous [] adj.土产的,本地的;先天的,天生的(innate;inborn)

indisposed [ ] adj.身体不舒服的(mildly ill)不愿的,不喜欢的(averse; disinclined)

ineffable [] adj.不能说的,不应说出的(incapable of being expressed in words)

inept [] adj. 不适当的;无能的,笨拙的(generally incompetent)

inexorable [] adj. 无情的,无法说服的(not to be persuaded by entreaty)

infatuate [] vt. 使迷恋,使糊涂(to cause to be foolish)

infiltrate [] v. 渗透;秘密潜入(to passsurreptitiously into enemy-held territory)

infelicitous [] adj. 不幸的;不适当的(not appropriate in application)

influx [] n. 涌入(a coming in)

infuse [] vt. 灌输,使…充满,鼓舞

infuriate [] vt. 激怒(to make furious; enrage)

ingenuity [] n.机灵, 独创性(inventive skill or imagination)

ingenuous [] adj.直率的,单纯的(showing innocent simplicity and candidness)

ingest [] vt. 摄取,咽下,吸收(to take in for or as if for digestion)

ingratiating [] adj. 讨人喜欢的(agreeable)逢迎的,讨人欢心的

inkling [] n. 略知,模糊概念(a slight knowledge or vague notion)

inquisitive [] adj. 过分好奇的(improperly curious about the affairs of others)

Insensible adj. 无知觉的,麻木的(devoid of physical sensation or the power to react, as to pain

insensate adj. 1. 无感觉的,无生气的(lacking sensation)2. 无知觉的(unconscious)

3. 缺乏感情的(lacking sensibility)4. 缺乏理性的(lacking sense)5.愚蠢的

insensitive [ ] adj. 不懂事的(lacking feeling or tact);麻木的(numb)

insentient adj. 无感觉的或知觉的(devoid of sensation or consciousness)

insinuate vt. 暗示,使潜入

insipid [] adj. 平淡的(lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate);难吃的

insolent [] adj. 粗野的,无礼的(exhibiting boldness or effrontery)

insouciant [] adj. 无忧无虑的(lighthearted unconcern)

inspired a.吸入的;得到灵感的,有灵感的;被人授意的,被鼓动的

instigate [] vt. 教唆,怂恿,煽动(to goad or urge forward)

intemperate [] adj. 无节制的,放纵的(not temperate especially)

intercede [] vi. 仲裁,调解(to intervene between parties to reconciling differences)

interrogate [] vt. 质问,讯问,审问(to question formally and systematically)

intoxicant [  ] v. 使醉的东西(an agent that intoxicates, especially an alcoholic beverage)

intrigue [] vt. 激起…的兴趣, 用诡计取得 (to arouse the interest, desire, or curiosity of)

invective [] n. 谩骂(insulting or abusive language)adj. 谩骂的

inveigh [] vi. 痛骂,漫骂,臭骂(to protest or complain bitterly or vehemently:rail)

invidious [] adj. 容易引起不满的,招人嫉妒的(tending to cause discontent,animosity,or

invincible [] adj. 不能征服的,无敌的(incapable of being overcome or defeated;

invoke [] vt. 恳求,调用(程序等),实施(to put into effect or operation:implement)

irascible [] adj. 易发怒的(marked by hot temper and easily provoked anger)

iridescence [] n. 彩虹色(a lustrous rainbowlike play of color)

irk [] v.使苦恼,厌烦(to make weary, irritated, or bored)

irrigate [ 5iri^eit ] vt.灌溉;冲洗(伤口)(to wash out (a body wound) with water or a medicated fluid)

irritate [] n. 刺激,烦恼,刺激物(to provoke impatience, anger, or displeasure in:annoy)

jaded [] adj.疲惫的,过度的,厌倦的(fatigued by overwork:exhausted)

jape [] n. v. 嘲弄(to make mocking fun of)

jaunty [] adj.愉快的,满足的(sprightly in manner or appearance:lively)

jejune [•n] adj. 空洞的,不成熟的 (devoid of significance or interest:dull)

jest [] n. v. 说笑,玩笑(an utterance intended to be taken as mockery or humor)

jettison [] vt. 丢弃(to get rid of as superfluous or encumbering • discard)

jocular [ ] adj. 诙谐的(given to jesting•habitually jolly or jocund; playful)

jocund [] adj. 快乐的,高兴的(suggestive of high spirits and lively mirthfulness)

jolt [] vi. 颠簸而行,震摇(to cause to move with a sudden jerky motion:shock, startle)

jot [] vt. 略记,摘要(to write briefly or hurriedly•set down in the form of a note)

jovial [] adj. 快活(markedly good-humored esp. as evidenced by jollity and conviviality)

jubilant [] adj. 喜悦的,喜洋洋的(exultant)

judicious [] adj. 明智的,慎重的(sound judgment•discreet)

kindred [] adj. 同族的, 类似的(of a similar nature or character)

knave [] n. 流氓(a tricky deceitful fellow)

knead [] vt. 揉捏(to work and press into a mass with or as if with the hands)

knotty [] adj. 多节的,棘手的(intricate; difficult; tangled)

labile [] adj. 易变的,不稳定的(likely to change ;unstable)

labored [] adj. 表达困难的(lacking ease of expression)

lament [] n/ 哀悼(mourn);悔恨,悲叹(to regret deeply; deplore)

lamentable [] adj. 忧郁的,不快的(expressing grief)

languish [] v.衰弱,变得消瘦(to be or become feeble, weak, or enervated)

languor [] n. 衰弱无力(listless indolence or inertia)

lank [] adj. 瘦弱的,稀疏的(not well filled out:slender, thin)

lapse 2 n. 时光流逝(elapse)失效(expire)

largesse [] n.慷慨(generosity)

lash [] v. 捆扎,绑紧(to bind with or as if with a line);鞭子

lariat [] n.套索(a long light rope used with a running noose to catch livestock:lasso)

laudatory [] adj. 赞美的,赞赏的(expressing praise)

leery [] adj. 可疑的,怀疑的;机警的(suspicious or distrustful;wary)

leer [] vi. 斜视,一瞥(to cast a sidelong glance)

legacy [i] n.遗产(money or property bequeathed to another by will)

legion [] n. 兵团;众多,大量(a very large number:multitude)

lenient [] adj. 不苛刻的(inclined not to be strict)仁慈的,宽厚的(merciful)

levelheaded [] adj. 明智的,有判断力的 (having sound judgment:sensible)

liberalist [] n. 自由者(the quality or state of being liberal)

libretto [] n. 歌剧的歌词;剧本

limber [] adj. 可塑的,柔软的(capable of being shaped•flexible)

limp [] adj. 松软的 v. 跛行(lacking firm texture, substance, or structure)

linger [] v. 逗留, 闲荡, 拖延(tarry;saunter; to be slow to act:procrastinate)

lint [] n. 绷带用麻布,皮棉(fuzz consisting of fine ravelings and short fibers of yarn and fabric)

lissome [] adj. 柔软的,敏捷的(easily bent;supple)

lithe [] adj. 柔软的,优雅的(characterized by easy flexibility and grace)

litigate [] v. 提起诉讼(to engage in legal proceedings)

litigant [] n. 诉讼当事人

loath [] adj. 不情愿的,勉强的(unwilling to do something contrary to one's ways of thinking)

loathe [] vt. 厌恶, 憎恶(to dislike someone or something greatly; abhor)

loathing [] n. 极端厌恶,憎恶(extreme disgust:detestation)

lofty [] adj. 高的,崇高的(elevated in status:superior)

lopsided [] adj. 倾向一方的,不平衡的(lacking in balance, symmetry, or proportion)

loutish [`] adj. 粗鲁的(resembling or befitting a clumsy,stupid fellow)

lucid [] adj. 清澈的,明晰易懂的(clear to the understanding:intelligible)

lucubration [] n. 刻苦钻研,苦心的著作(laborious or intensive study)

lugubrious [] adj. 悲哀的(尤指装出来的)(mournful;esp. affectedly mournful)

lull [] n/vt. 麻痹,使安静 (to cause to sleep or rest:soothe)

lumber [] vi. 笨重地行动,蹒跚而行(to move ponderously; stumble)

lurch [] vi. 举步蹒跚 (to move forward unsteadily while swaying from side to side)

lustrous [] adj. 有光泽的,光辉的(reflecting light evenly and efficiently without glitter or sparkle)

macabre adj.恐怖的(gruesome; grisly)以死亡为主题的(having death as a subject)

macerate [] v. 浸软(steep, soak)

magnificent [] adj. 高尚的,宏伟的(grand or noble in thought or deed; exalted.)

malady [ ] n. 病,疾病,弊病

malaise [] n. 不舒服(uneasiness; vague feeling of ill health)

malign [] adj. 有恶意的 vt. 诽谤(intense often vicious ill will•malevolent)

mangle [] vt. 破坏, 毁损(to spoil, injure, or make incoherent especially through ineptitude)

mangy [] adj. 污秽的,褴褛的(having many worn or bare spots•seedy, shabby)

manipulate [] vt. 巧妙操作 (control or change by artful means)

manumit [] v. 解放(奴隶)(to release from slavery)

masquerade [] v. 伪装,掩饰(to disguise oneself)

masticate [] v. 咀嚼(chew)

mawkish [] adj. 自作多情的,令人厌恶的 (sickly or puerilely sentimental)

mean adj.卑鄙的;自私的,吝啬的

meander [] vi. 蜿蜒而流,闲逛(to wander aimlessly without urgent destination:ramble)

measly [] adj. 低贱的(contemptibly small)

measured [] adj. 标准的(marked by due proportion)

media [] n. 媒体,营养基(a nutrient system for the artificial cultivation of cells or bacteria)

meek adj.温顺的, 谦恭的(gentle)柔顺的,易于征服的(submissive)

meliorism [] n.世界改良论(the belief of tendency toward improvement)

mellifluous [] adj.曲调优美的(having a smooth rich flow)

melody [] n. 曲子,美的音乐,曲调(tunefulness)

mendacious [] adj. 虚假的,说谎的(deception/falsehood/divergence from absolute truth)

meretricious [ ] a. 华而不实的,俗艳的

mesh [] vt. 啮合(to cause as gears to engage)

mesmerism [] n. 催眠,着迷

methodical [] adj. 井然有序的,有条理的;系统的,

metrical [] adj. 韵律的,有韵律的,测量的 (of, relating to, or composed in meter)

miff [] n. 小争执,微怒 vt. 使恼怒 (a trivial quarrel)

milieu [  ] n.(法)周围,环境,社会环境,背景

mime [] vt. vi. 摸拟表演(to act a part with mimic gesture and action usually without words)

mind v. 介意,反对,不喜欢(to object to; dislike)注意,留意(to attend to)

minuscule [] adj. 极小的 n. 小写字(very small)

miraculous [] adj. 奇迹的, 不可思议的(of the nature of a miracle:supernatural)

mire [] vt. 使陷于泥泞,使陷入困境(to hamper or hold back as if by mire:entangle)

mirth [] n.欢乐,欢笑(gladness or gaiety as shown by or accompanied with laughter)

misbehave [] v. 行为不端(to behave badly)

mischievous [] adj. 调皮的,恶作剧的,有害的(able to cause trouble, or minor injury)

miscreant [] n. 恶棍 adj. 堕落的(one who behaves criminally or viciously)

misdemeanor [] n.不轨的行为,轻罪(a crime less serious than a felony)

mishap [] n. 不幸之事(an unfortunate accident)

misogynist [] n.厌恶女人的人(one who hates women/females)

misrepresent [] vt. 不如实的叙述,误传(to give a false or misleading representation

mobility [] n. 灵活性

mockery [] n. 嘲弄,笑柄,歪曲 (a subject of laughter, derision, or sport)

moderate [] vt. 节制,使稳定,使缓和(to lessen the intensity or extremeness of)

modicum [] n. 少量(a small portion:a limited quantity)

moratorium [] n. 延期,暂缓施行(a suspension of an ongoing or planned activity)

mordant [] adj. 讥讽的,尖酸的(biting and caustic in thought, manner, or style•incisive)

morose [] adj.脾气坏的,不高兴的 (having a sullen and gloomy disposition)

moth-eaten adj. 虫蛀的,过时的

muddy [] adj. 浑浊的,不明晰的(lacking in clarity or brightness:cloudy, dull)

munificent [] adj. 慷慨的,丰厚的(characterized by great liberality or generosity)

murky [] adj. 黑暗的,朦胧的(dark and gloomy; thick with fog; vague)

murmur [] n. v. 低语(a low indistinct but often continuous sound)

mumble [] vt. vi. 喃喃而语,咕哝(to utter with a low inarticulate voice)

mute vt. 减弱…的声音(to muffle, reduce, or eliminate the sound of)使柔和(to tone down:soften, subdue)

mutiny [] n. 叛变,兵变

mutter [] v. 咕哝, 嘀咕(to utter sounds or words indistinctly or with a low voice)

myriad [] adj. 无数的,大量的(having innumerable aspects or elements)

nag [  ] v. 不断找岔,抱怨(to annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging)

nascent [] adj. 新生的(coming or having recently come into existence)

natty [] adj. 整洁的,时髦的(trimly neat and tidy•smart)

nefarious [] adj.违法的,邪恶的(flagrantly wicked or impious•evil)

needy [] adj. 贫困的(being in want)

negligence [] n. 疏忽(the quality or state of being not taking prudent care)

negligible[] adj. 可以忽略的,微不足道的

nexus [] n. 连结;核心(connection,link; a connected group or series; center, focus)

nitpick [] v. 挑剔,吹毛求疵

noisome adj. 有害的,有毒的(noxious, harmful) 恶臭的(offensive to the senses and especially to the sense

nomenclature [] n. 名称,术语,专门名词

nondescript [] adj. 没有特征的,平凡的(lacking distinctive or interesting qualities)

nonentity [] n. 不存在,不重要之人(a person of little consequence or significance)

nonsense [] n. 胡言乱语(words having no meaning or conveying no intelligible ideas)

noxious [] adj. 有害的,有毒的(physically harmful or destructive to living beings)

nudge [] n. v. 用肘轻推,引起注意(seek the attention of by a push of the elbow)

obedient [] adj. 服从的,顺从的(submissive to the restraint or command of authority)

nugatory [] adj. 无关紧要的(of little or no consequence;trifling, inconsequential)

obeisance [] n. 鞠躬,敬礼(a movement of the body made in token of 表示respect or submission)

obfuscate [] v. 使困惑,使迷惑(to make obscure)

obituary [] n. 讣告(a notice of a person's death usually with a short biographical account)

objectionable a. 该反对的,有异议的,讨厌的

obligatory [] adj. 强制性的,必须的(binding in law or conscience; mandatory, required)

obliging [] adj. 乐于助人的(willing to do favors)

oblique [] adj. 倾斜的,间接的(not straightforward:indirect)

obliterate [] v. 涂掉,删除(to remove from existence)

obloquy [] n. 谩骂,诽谤(abusively detractive language or utterance; calumny)

obscure [] adj. 暗的,模糊的,无名的(not clearly seen or easily distinguished)v. 使模糊

obsequious [] adj. 谄媚的,奉承的,顺从的(marked by or a fawning attentiveness)

obsess [] vt .迷住;使困窘,使烦扰(to haunt or excessively preoccupy the mind of)

obstreperous [ ] 不听话的,任性的(stubbornly resistant to control;unruly);吵闹的

obstruct [] v. 阻碍,阻塞(to hinder from passage, action, or operation)

obtuse [] adj. 愚笨的,不锐利的(lacking sharpness or quickness of sensibility or intellect)

obviate [] vt. 除去,排除(to anticipate and prevent or make unnecessary)

occlude [] vt. 阻塞,闭塞(to close up or block off:obstruct)

occult [] adj. 神秘的,不可思议的(not easily apprehended or understood)

odium [] n. 憎恶,讨厌(hatred and condemnation accompanied by loathing or contempt)

offbeat [] adj. 不平常的,离奇的(eccentric, unconventional)

offhand [] adj. 即席的,无准备的(without premeditation or preparation•extempore)

offish [] adj. 冷淡的(somewhat cold and reserved•standoffish)

offset [  ] v. 抵消,弥补(to counterbalance, counteract, or compensate for)

ominous [] adj.预兆的, 恶兆的, 不吉利的(being or exhibiting an omen:portentous; especially:

opine [] vt. 表达观点(to express opinions)

opprobrious [] adj. 无礼的,粗野的(expressive of opprobrium•scurrilous)

oppugn [  ] vt. 责难,反驳,质疑

oscillate [] v. 使振动,使动摇;犹豫(vary between opposing beliefs,feelings,or theories)

ostentatious [] adj. 卖弄的,夸耀的(marked by or fond of conspicuous or vainglorious and sometimes

outfit n. 整套服装(a set of clothing, often with accessories);全套装备

oust [] vt. 剥夺,驱逐(to remove from or dispossess of property by legal action or force)

outgoing [] a dj. 外向的,爱社交的(openly friendly and responsive•extroverted)

outlandish [] adj. 古怪的, 奇异的(strikingly out of the ordinary:bizarre)

overbearing [] adj. 傲慢的(harshly and haughtily arrogant)

overly [] ad. 过度地,极度地

override [  ] v. 凌驾,不理会,撤销,不顾

oversight [  ] n. 疏忽,失察;监督,照管

oxymoron [•] n. 矛盾修饰法(a combination of contradictory or incongruous words)

pachyderm [] n. 厚皮类动物, 迟钝的人

painstaking [] adj. 艰苦的(taking pains)

palatable [] adj.美味的(agreeable to the palate or taste)

palpable [] adj. 可触知的,明显的,易觉察的(easily perceived)

palatial [] adj. 宫殿般的,豪华的(magnificent)

palette [] n. 调色板,颜料(a particular range, quality, or use of color)

pall [] v. 感到腻烦,失去兴趣(to lose in interest or attraction)

palter [] vi. 欺骗(to act insincerely or deceitfully)

paltry [] adj. 无价值的;微不足道的(practically worthless; trifling)

pan [] vt.【口语】严厉批评 (to criticize unfavorably, as in reviewing)

panache [] n. 羽饰;假威风,炫耀(dash or flamboyance in style)

pandemonium [] n. 喧哗吵闹(wild uproar or noise)

pander [  ] vi. (to)迎合

panegyric [] n. 赞扬,夸大的颂词(a eulogistic oration or writing)

parable [] n. 寓言,比喻

paradise [] n. 天堂 (a place or state of bliss, felicity, or delight)

paraphrase [] vt. 简要重述,解释(to make a restatement of a text, passage, or work giving

parch [] vi. 烤干 (to dry or shrivel with cold)

parlance [] n. 说话的方式(manner or mode of speech)

parody [] n.模仿作品,仿作v. 做模仿诗文

paroxysm [] n. 发作,突发(a sudden violent emotion or action)

parquetry [] n. 镶木地板;镶木细工

parrot vt. 鹦鹉学舌,机械地模仿(to repeat by rote)

parsimony [] n. 过度节俭,吝啬(unreasonable economy; stinginess)

particularize [] vt. vi. 详细说明,列举(to state in detail)

pastiche [] n. 模仿(a work that imitates the style of previous work)

patent [] adj. 专利的;显著的,新奇的(readily visible or intelligible)

patina [] n. 绿锈;表面光泽;肤浅的外在(a superficial covering or exterior)

patrician n. 贵族,名门望族(a person of high birth•aristocrat)

patronize [] vt. 资助,赞助,让人领情

paunchy [] dj. 大肚子的(having an enlarged or protruding abdomen)

peck [pek] n. 轻吻;轻啄

pedestrian [] adj.缺乏想像的,呆板的(commonplace;unimaginative) (反)peep [] n. 小鸟的吱吱叫声;瞥见,偷看(to look cautiously or slyly)

peer [] n. 同等的人(a person who has equal standing with others)vi.凝视;窥视

peeve [] v. 使气恼,怨恨(to make peevish or resentful)

pejorative [  ] adj.轻蔑的,贬低的(having negative connotations)

pellucid [] adj.清晰的,易懂的(easy to understand)

penchant [] n.强烈嗜好,倾向(a strong and continued inclination)

penitent [] adj. 悔过的(feeling or expressing regretful pain)

perambulate [] v. 巡行

perfervid [] adj.非常热心的(marked by overwrought emotion)

perfunctory adj. 例行公事的,机械的,敷衍的 (characterized by routine or superficiality:mechanical) (类)

peripatetic [] adj. 巡游的(moving or traveling from place to place)

pernicious [] adj. 有害有毒的;致命的(highly injurious or destructive)

peroration [] n.(演讲的)结束语;演讲高谈阔论

persecute [] vt. 迫害,虐待,折磨(to harass in a manner designed to injure or afflict)

persiflage [] n. 挖苦,嘲弄(to provide with an incentive)

perspicacious [] adj. 敏锐的(of acute mental vision•keen)

perspicuity [] n. 明晰,明了,简明(plain to the understanding)

pertinacious [] adj. 顽固的(stubbornly unyielding or tenacious)

perturb [] vt. 扰乱,使烦躁不安,使担忧(to disturb greatly in mind:disquiet)

petrography [] n. 岩石记述学(研究岩石分类和体系)

petty [] adj. 细微的,不重要的(having secondary rank or importance)

petulant [ ] adj. 任性的,脾气坏的,粗野的

phenomenal [] adj. 显著的,非凡的,杰出的

philistine [] n. 庸人,对艺术很轻蔑的人(a person who is guided by materialism and is

phlegmatic [] adj. 冷静的,冷淡的,无活力的(stolid temperament)

pictorial [  ] adj. 绘画的,形象生动的

piddling [] adj. 无用的,琐屑的(trivial, paltry)

pixel [] n.(显示器或电视机图象的)象素

pillar [] n. 柱子,栋梁;重要的支持者(a firm upright support)

pillory [] n.被示众,被嘲弄(to expose to public contempt)

pique [] vt.伤害…自尊心,使…生气(to cause to feel resentment or indignation.)

pitiless [] adj. 无情的,冷酷的(devoid of pity:merciless)

pittance [] n. 施舍少量的钱;少量供应(a meager wage or remuneration)

placate [] vt. 安抚,和解(to soothe or mollify)

plangent [] adj.轰鸣的(having a loud reverberating sound)

plaintive [ ] adj. 伤心悲哀的,痛苦的

plantation [] n. 大农场,种植园

pleat [] n. 褶,褶状物 vt. 使…打褶(to arrange in pleats)

plethora [] n. 过量,过剩(excess, superflutty;profusion, abundance)

pliable [] adj. 易曲折的,柔软的,易受影响的,温顺的

pliant [] adj.易受影响的,易弯曲的,顺从的(easily influenced)

plight [] n. 困境 (a situation, especially a bad or unfortunate one)

plodding [] adj. 沉重缓慢的,单调乏味的(working laboriously monotonously)

pluck 2 [] n. 猛拉;弹奏

plumb [] vt. 用铅锤测定深度(to measure the depth of with a plumb)

plumb 2 adv. 仔细深入地检查(to examine closely or deeply)

plump [] adj. 丰满的(having a full rounded)

pointless [  ] adj. 无意义的,不得要领的,没有目的的

polished [] adj.精练的,优美的,有教养的(highly developed, finished)

politic [] adj. 精明的,圆滑的,慎重的,策略的

pollster [] n. 民意测验专家(one that takes public-opinion surveys)

pompous [] adj. 傲慢的,自大的,夸大的(self-importance;arrogant)

ponderable [] adj. 有价值的,有重量的(significant enoug:appreciable)

ponderous [] adj. 笨重的,笨拙的(of very great weight)

pontificate [] v. 自大武断地做,装模作样的说话(to speak or express opinions in a

portentous [] adj. 前兆的,不寻常的(eliciting amazement or wonder)

posture [] vi. 故作姿态(to assume an artificial attitude)

potboiler [] n. 粗制滥造的文艺作品(a work of poor quality, produced quickly for profit)

potentate [] n. 有权的人,统治者(one who wields great power)

potentiate [] vt. 加强(to make more effective or more active)

pout [] vt. vi. 撅嘴,绷脸(to show displeasure by thrusting out the lips)

prairie [] n. 大草原,牧场

prate [] vi. 闲聊,空谈(to talk long and idly)

precarious [] adj. 不稳定的(characterized by a lack of security)

precipitate [] v. 加速,使突然陷入;adj. 匆忙的,鲁莽的(to bring about abruptly)

precipitous [] adj. 非常陡峭的(very steep, perpendicular)

preclude [] v. 预防;阻止(prevent)

preconception [  ] n. 先入之见,成见

predecessor [] n. 前任,先辈

predilection [] n. 爱好,偏袒

predicament [  ] n.困境

predisposition [] n. 易患病的体质;倾向,癖性

pregnant [] adj. 含有深意的;有创造力的(inventive)

preoccupation [] n. 全神贯注(extreme concern with something);当务之急

preponderant [] adj. 占优势的,压倒性的 (having superior weight)

prerogative [  ] n. 独有的权利,特权

presage [] vt. 成为...的前兆,预示,预言(foretell, predict)

prescriptive [  ] a. 规定的,指定的,约定俗成的

preservative [] n. 预防法,预防药,防腐剂

presumptuous [] adj. 放肆的(taking liberties)

pretense [] n. 虚假,伪装

primacy [] n. 首位,卓越

primordial [] adj. 原始的(existing in the beginning)

primp [] vt. vi. 精心打扮(to dress, adorn in a finicky manner)

pristine [] adj. 原始的,纯净的,质朴的(not spoiled, corrupted;original, pure)

privation [] n.缺乏,穷困(the state of being deprived)

proclivity [] n. 癖性,偏好(a natural propensity or inclination)

procrastinate [] v. 耽搁,拖延

prodigious [] adj. 庞大的,巨大的 异常的,惊人的

proficient [] adj. 熟练的,精通的

profusion [] n.丰富,大量,浪费 (great quantity:lavish)

prohibitive [] adj. (价格)昂贵的,让人望而却步的;禁止的;阻止的

promulgate [] vt. 正式宣布(announce officially)

propagate [] vt.繁殖;传播,普及(to cause to spread out)

propitiate [] vt. 慰抚,安抚,和解(to gain or regain the favor)

propitious [] adj. 适合的;吉祥的,慈悲的(favorably disposed)

proponent [] n. 建议者,支持者

propound [ ] v. 提出…供讨论(to offer for discussion or consideration)

proscribe [] v.(当作危险物而)禁止,排斥(to condemn or forbid)

proselytize [] vi. 劝诱改宗(to recruit or convert especially to a new faith or cause)

prosperous [] adj. 成功的,繁盛的,幸运的(enjoying vigorous and healthy growth)

prostrate [] adj. 拜倒的,降伏的,伏地的(stretched out with face on the ground in

protean [] adj. 千变万化的,变化不定的(displaying great diversity)

protagonist [] n. 主演,主角,主唱者

protuberant [] adj. 隆起的,凸出的,显著的(prominent, obtrusive)

providential [] adj. 天意的,幸运的(happening as if through divine intervention)

provincial [] adj. 省的,地方的,偏狭的(limited in outlook)

provisional [] adj.暂时的,暂定的,临时的(serving for the time being)

provisory [] adj. 有附文的,有附带条件的,暂时的

prowess [] n. 英勇,勇敢(distinguished bravery)

prowl [] v. 巡游以猎取食物(to move about stealthily in or as if in search of prey)

puckish [] adj.精灵似的;爱恶作剧的,淘气的,顽皮的

pucker [] v. 折叠;噘嘴(to contract into folds or wrinkles)

puffery [ ] n. 极力称赞,夸大广告,吹捧(puff)

pulchritude [] n. 美丽(physical comeliness)

pullet [] n. 小母鸡;小姑娘

punch line n.(笑话的)妙语(the sentence, statement, or phrase as in a joke that makes the point)

punctilious [] adj. 注意细节的,一丝不苟的;拘泥于细节的,刻板的

pungent [] adj. 辛辣的,刺激性的,严厉的 (causing a sharp or irritating sensation)

puny [] adj. 微小的,弱小的,微不足道的 (slight in power, size, or importance)

purlieu [] n. 森林边缘地;常去的地方(a frequently visited place)

purloin [] 偷窃,盗取(to appropriate wrongfully and often by a breach of trust)

purvey [] v.(大量)供给,供应

pusillanimous [] adj. 懦弱的(lacking courage and resolution)

quaff [] vt. vi. 一口气喝干,大口地喝(to drink(a beverage)deeply)

qualm [ ] n. 疑惧,忧虑;内疚,良心责备

quarry [] n. 采石场

quarry 2 n.猎物,追求物,出处(one that is sought or pursued)

quash [] v. 撤销,镇压(to suppress or extinguish summarily and completely)

quell [] vt. 压制,平息,减轻(to thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission)

quench [] vt. 结束,熄灭;冷浸(to cool suddenly by immersion)

querulous [] adj. 抱怨的,发牢骚的(habitually complaining)

quibble [] n. 遁辞,谬论,双关话 v. 推托,诡辩,说模棱两可的话

quiescent [] adj. 静止的,寂静的(marked by inactivity or repose)

quirk [  ] n. 怪癖(an idiosyncrasy),遁辞(a quibble),突发事件

rabid [] adj. 猛烈的,热烈的,急进的,疯狂的,固执的,狂怒的

raffish [] adj. 粗俗的 (marked by or suggestive of flashy vulgarity or crudeness)

raffle [] n. 抽彩售货,废物(a lottery in which a number of persons buy chances to win a prize)

rail [] vi. 责骂,抱怨to revile or scold in harsh, insolent, or abusive language) n.围栏

rakish [] adj.放荡的(of, relating to, or characteristic of a rake ;dissolute)

rambunctious [] adj. 粗暴的,难控制的,骚乱的

rancid [] adj. 腐臭的(offensive in odor or flavor)

rancor [] n.敌意,深仇,怨恨(bitter deep-seated ill will)

randomize [] v. 使随机化,完全打乱

rankle [] v.(怨恨,失望等)难以释怀,激怒(to cause irritation)

rant [] vt. vi. 咆哮,激昂地说(to scold vehemently)

rapprochement [] n. 建立或恢复友谊或和睦关系

rapscallion [] n. 流氓,恶棍

rapt [] adj. 全神贯注的,入迷的,出神的 (wholly absorbed)

rash [] adj. 轻率的;鲁莽的 (proceeding from undue haste)

raspy [] adj. 刺耳的;粗糙的;易怒的

rationalize [] v. 使合理化;找借口,自圆其说,文过饰非(明明做错还要找借口)

ravel [] vt. 使纠缠, 使混乱, 解开, 弄清(to separate the texture)

ravage [ ] v. 使荒芜,彻底毁坏,蹂躏,劫掠

ravel [] vt. 使纠缠, 使混乱, 解开, 弄清(to separate the texture)

rave [] v.咆哮 n. 过分赞扬, 吹捧狂热的观点(an extravagantly favorable criticism)

ravenous [] adj. 贪婪的,饿极的,渴望的,狼吞虎咽的 (very eager or greedy for food,

ravish [] v. 强夺;吸引

reactionary [] adj.反动的,反对变革的

readily [  ] ad. 不迟疑地,迅速地,轻易地

rebuff [] vt. 严厉拒绝(to reject or criticize sharply)

recalcitrant [] adj.固执的,顽抗的

recant [] vi. 取消前言,放弃信仰,公开认错(to make a formal retraction or disavowal of a

recess [ ] n. 暂停,休息,课间休息;凹处,凹室

recidivism [] n. 累犯,重犯 (relapse into criminal behavior)

reciprocate [] vi. 往复运动;互换;酬答(to move forward and backward)

recognize v. 认出,识别;承认,认可;赏识,表彰

(派)recognized adj. 公认的; 经过证明的; 普遍接受的

recoil [] vi. 退却,畏缩,撤退(to fall back under pressure);报应

reconstitute [] vt. 重新组成,重新设立;加水使恢复

reconvene [] vt 重新集合,重新召集

rectitude [] n. 正直,公正,清廉(moral integrity)

recumbent [] adj. 靠着的,斜躺着的,不活动的,休息的

recuperate [] v. 复原(to regain a former state or condition)

redeem [  ] v. 赎回;履行,实践;补偿

redoubtable [] adj.可敬畏的,可怕的,著名的 (worthy of respect)

reel [] n. 卷轴;一卷;蹒跚;旋转;纺车

reflective [] adj. 反射的;反映的;熟虑的

refractory [] adj.难驾驭的,不听话的,执拗的;(病)难治的

refulgent [] adj.辉煌的,灿烂的(a radiant or resplendent quality)

regenerate [] adj. 新生的,再生的(restored to a better, higher, or more worthy state)

regimen []n. 养生法,生活规则

regimental [  ] adj. 军团的,兵营式的,严格而统一的,严厉管制的

relapse [] vi. 故态复萌,再度堕落(to slip or fall back into a former worse state)

release [] vt. 释放,放松;豁免,免除 ( to set free from restraint)

relegate [  ] v. 把…降级,把…置于次要地位;托付,交付

relent [] v. 变慈悲(to become more lenient, compassionate, or forgiving)

relinquish [] vt. 放弃(give up),松开(release),放手(to let go)

relish [] n. 爱好,美味,食欲

reluctant [] adj.不顾的,勉强的,难得到的,难处理的

remiss [] adj. 疏忽的,不留心的,玩忽职守的(showing neglect or inattention•lax)

remission n. 宽恕,赦免;.缓和,减轻

remodel [] vt. 改造,改型,改变(to alter the structure of)

remunerate [] vt. 给与报酬,赔偿,酬劳

rend [] v.撕裂,猛拉(to split or tear apart or in pieces by violence)

renounce [] vi. 断绝关系;放弃权利(to give up usually by formal declaration)

repel [] vt. 抵制,排斥(repulse;resist)使厌恶(to cause aversion in:disgust)

repercussion [  ] n. 反响,影响,回声

repine [] v. 抱怨,表达不满(to feel or express discontent or dejection)

replenish [  ] v. 把…再备足,补充;使充满活力

replete [] adj. 饱满的(fully provided ;full)

repose [] v. n..休息,睡眠,静止(to lie at rest ;to take a rest)

repress [] v. 镇压(to put down by force)抑制(to hold in by self-control)

reprieve [v] n. 缓刑,暂缓(to delay the punishment of a condemned prisoner)

reprobate [] v. 谴责,指责 n. 堕落者,道德败坏的人

reproof [] n. 谴责,责备(criticism for a fault • rebuke)

reprove [] v. 善意的责备(to scold usually gently or with kindly intent)

reptile [] n.爬虫动物, 卑鄙的人

repudiate [•] vt. 否认,拒绝承认,拒绝接受,拒付

repugnant [] adj. 令人厌恶的(exciting aversion);不一致的(incompatible)

requite [] vt. 酬劳,报答(to make return for • repay)

requisite [] adj. 需要的, 必不可少的, 必备的(essential, necessary)

resemblance [  ] n. 相似,形似 摹本,肖像

reside [  ] v.(性质)存在于;(权力)归属于

resilience [] n.弹力,在逆境中调整的能力(an ability to adjust easily to change)

resolute [•t] adj. 坚决的,刚毅的,毅然的(marked by firm determination • resolved)

respite [] n. 间歇,休息,暂缓 a period of temporary delay;an interval of rest or relief

responsive [] adj. 做出响应的(giving response)敏感的(quick to respond

restive [] adj. 急躁的(marked by impatience);倔强的(stubbornly resisting control)

resuscitate [] v.使复活,使苏醒(restore , revive)

retaliate [] v. 报复,反击(to repay(as an injury)in kind)

retouch [] vt. vi. 润饰,修正(to rework in order to improve)

retract [] 缩回,收回,否认

retribution [] n. 报偿;惩罚; 报复(recompense, reward;punishment)

retrograde [] adj.倒退的(go backwards; recede; degenerate; deteriorate)

reverberate [  ] v. 起回声,反响

revive [] vi. 复活,恢复意识

revoke [] vt.撤回, 废除, 宣告无效(to annul by recalling or taking back)

revue [] n. 时俗讽刺歌舞剧(a musical show consisting of skits, songs, and dances)

ribald [] adj. 举止、言语粗鲁的(crude,offensive)

rickety [] adj.摇摆的(shaky:in unsound physical condition)

rife [] adj. 流行的(prevalent);丰富的(copiously supplied)

rile [] vt. 搅浑浊,惹怒,使焦急(to make agitated and angry:upset)

riot [] n.v.喧闹,打破平静(public violence, tumult, or disorder)

rive [] vt. 撕开(to wrench open or tear apart or to pieces ;rend)

riveting [] adj. 吸引人的, 极迷人的(to attract and hold(as the attention)completely)

rivulet [] n.小河, 小溪(a small stream)

robust [] adj. 精力充沛的, 强壮的,健康的

roil [] v. 搅浑,激怒(to make turbid by stirring up the sediment or dregs of)

rodent [] n.啮齿类动物(如鼠等)

royalty [] 王权(royal status or power);版税 (a payment to an author or composer for each copy of a work

rudimentary [] adj.基础的(fundamental)原始的(of a primitive kind), 未发展

rue [] n.后悔,遗憾(to feel penitence, remorse, or regret for)

ruffle [] n.. 皱褶, 生气 v.使皱,使生气

rumple [] n.皱纹,皱褶(fold,wrinkle) v.使皱,弄皱

run [] n. 连续演出(an unbroken course of performances or showings)

rupture [] v. 打破;打碎(to part by violence)

ruse [] n.诡计(trick to deceive; stratagem)

rustic [] adj. 乡村的,纯朴的, 粗俗的(lacking in social graces or polish)

sabbatical [] adj. 安息日的,周期性休息的

sacrilege [] n. 亵渎圣物,冒渎,悖理逆天的行为

sacrosanct [  ] adj. 极神圣的

saddle [] n. 鞍, 鞍状物 v. (与with连用)负担(责任等)

sagacious [] adj.聪明的,睿智的(of keen and farsighted penetration and judgment)

salient [] adj.显著的,突出的(standing out conspicuously:prominent)

salubrious [] adj . 有益健康的(favorable to or promoting health or well-being)

salutary [] adj. 有益的,有益健康的(promoting a beneficial effect or health)

salve [] n. 药膏,抚慰剂v. 减轻,缓和(quiet, assuage)

sanctify [] vt. 使神圣,敬神

sanctuary n. 避难所(a place of refuge and protection)

sand [] v. 磨光 n. 沙

sanguine [] adj. 红润的(red)充满希望的(hopeful)愉快的(cheerful)

sanitation [] n.卫生,卫生设施

sapient [] adj. 贤明的,有洞察力的(possessing or expressing great sagacity)

sarcasm [] n. 讽刺,轻蔑(cutting ironic remark; scornful remarks)

sartorial [] adj. 裁缝匠的,缝工的,裁缝的

sate [seit] vt. 满足,充足,饮食过度(satisfy to the full; satisfy to excess; cloy)

satiate [] v. 饱足,过分满足(to satisfy fully or to excess)

savanna [] n. 平原(a treeless plain especially in Florida);草原(a tropical or

savant [] 博学之士,学者(a person of learning)

savory adj. 美味的,可口的(appetizing to the taste or smell)

savvy [] n. 老练,机智(practical know-how)

scan [] vt. 分析韵律(to read or mark so as to show metrical structure)

scathing [] adj. 严厉的(bitterly severe)

schism [] n. 分裂(division, separation),不一致(discord, disharmony)

scoff [] n. 笑柄,嘲笑 v. 嘲笑(to treat or address with derision:mock)v.狼吞虎咽

scotch [] vt. 阻碍(hinder, thwart)

scour [] vt. 擦洗;全面检查(to go through or range over in or as if in a search)

scourge [  ] n. 鞭子,天谴,灾祸,严厉的斥责

scrappy [] adj. 好斗的,果敢的(quarrelsome;having an aggressive and determined spirit)

scrap [] vt. 抛弃(discard;to abandon as no longer of enough worth to retain)

scrawl [] vt.乱涂, 潦草地写(to write or draw awkwardly, hastily, or carelessly:scribble)

scrupulous [] adj. 小心谨慎的,正直的(having moral integrity;painstaking)

scruple [  ] v. (由于道德原因而感到)迟疑不安,踌躇,顾忌

scrutable [] adj. 可以理解的,可以了解的(comprehensible)

scuff [] n. v. 拖着脚走,磨损(to become scratched, chipped, or roughened by wear)

scurrilous [] adj. 说粗话的,猥亵的(using coarse language containing slander)

scurvy [] adj. 下流的,可鄙的(disgustingly mean or contemptible:despicable)

scythe [] n. 长柄的大镰刀,战车镰

seascape n. 海景(a view of the sea), 海景画(a picture representing a scene at sea)

seamy [] adj. 堕落的,污秽的(degraded, sordid)

secular [  ] n. 牧师,俗人

sedate [] adj.镇静的,安静的(keeping a quiet steady attitude) vt. 给...服镇静剂

seduce [] vt. 怂恿,劝说(使不忠,使不服从)(to persuade to disobedience or disloyalty)

sedentary [] adj. 久坐的,固定不动的(not migratory:settled)

sedulous [] adj. 坚忍不拔的,勤勉的(diligent in application or pursuit)

segment [] n. 片断 vt. 分割(to separate into segments:give off as segments)

self-abasement [] n.自卑, 自谦(degradation or humiliation of oneself)

seminal [] adj. 有创意的,种子的,萌芽的(containing or contributing the seeds of

sensation [] n. 感觉,知觉;轰动事件

sentinel [] n. 哨兵,看守

sepulchral [] adj. 坟墓的(mortuary);阴深的,忧郁的

septic [] adj. 腐败的 n. 腐烂物(of, relating to, or causing putrefaction)

sequester [] vt. 使隐退,使隔绝,分离(to set apart:segregate;seclude, withdraw)

serene [] adj. 清澈的,晴朗的,安静的(marked by utter calm and unruffled quietude)

serpentine [] adj. 蜿蜒的,在形状或移动上象蛇的,弯曲的

shackle [] vt. 加枷锁,束缚(to deprive of freedom especially of action by means of

shadow [] vt. 遮蔽,使朦胧,预示,偷偷尾随(to follow especially secretly:trail)

shallow [] 浅的,浅薄的(lacking in depth of thought;shoal, superficial)

sham [] v. 佯装 n. 伪品 adj. 虚假的(not genuine:false, feigned)

shiftless [] adj. 无计谋的,懒惰的(lacking in ambition or incentive:lazy)

shoddy [  ] adj. 以次充好的

shred [] n.碎片,细条(a long, irregular strip cut or torn off)少量剩余, 最少量

signal [] adj. 显著的(distinguished from the ordinary)

simpleton [] n. 笨蛋,傻子(缺乏常识)

sinecure [] n. 美差(well-paid position with little responsibility)

sinew [] n. 精力,腱,原动力,体力(solid resilient strength:power)

singe [] v. 烧焦, 烤焦(to burn superficially or lightly • scorch)

singularity [  ] n. 独一,罕有,非凡 奇特,独特

skimp [] v. 节省花费,吝啬(provide scantily;live very economically)

skit [] n. 滑稽短剧(a satirical or humorous story or sketch)

slack [] adj. 松弛的,缓慢的(not tight or taut)

slake [] vt. 消除,平息(quench),使满足,解渴(satisfy as thirst)

slant [] n. v.(使)倾斜,倾向,偏见(to interpret or present in line with a special interest:angle)

slight [] adj. 纤细的, 轻微的(TRIVIAL), 少量的(SCANTY)

sling [] n. (支撑伤臂或伤手的)吊带,三角巾

slink [  ] v. 溜走(to go or move stealthily or furtively)

sloppy [] adj.邋遢的,不整洁的(slovenly, careless)

slouch [] n. 懒惰无能的人 v. 懒散(to act with an excessively relaxed posture)

slovenly [] adj. 懒散的, 不修边幅的(untidy; careless in work habits; slipshod)

sluggish [] adj. 行动迟缓的,缓慢的,迟钝的(indolent,torpid;slow to respond;markedly

slumber [] n. v. 睡眠,沉睡状态(sleep;a light sleep)

slur [] vt. 使模糊, 含糊的发音(obscure;to pronounce indistinctly)


sly [] adj. 狡猾的,诡密的,不坦率(lacking in straightforwardness and candor•dissembling)

smarmy [] adj. 虚情假意的(revealing by a smug, ingratiating, or false earnestness)

smart [] vi. 刺痛,快速反应(to cause or be the cause or seat of a sharp poignant pain)

smart 2 [] adj. 整洁的(neat,trim)聪明的,潇洒的(stylish or elegant in dress or appearance)

smattering [] n. 一知半解,浅薄的知识(superficial piecemeal knowledge)

smirk [] v.假笑,得意地笑(to smile in an affected or smug manner • simper)

snare [] v. 诱捕(to trap with or as if with a snare)n. 陷井

snarl [] vi. n. 缠结,咆哮

sneer [] n. 冷笑,嘲笑 vt. 轻蔑(to laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contempt)

snub [] v. 冷落,不理睬 ,轻蔑(to treat with contempt or neglect)

sober [] adj. 节制的,严肃的,朴素的(abstemious; unhurried, calm; serious)

solace [] n. v. 安慰. 慰藉(alleviation of grief or anxiety)

solicitous [] adj. 热切的,挂念的(worried,concerned)

soliloquy [] n. 独白(talking to oneself ;a dramatic monologue)

solitude [] n. 孤独, 偏僻处,隐居处(state of being alone or remote from society)

solvent [] adj. 有偿付能力的(able to pay all legal debts)有溶解力的n. 溶剂

somatic [] adj. 肉体的(relating to the the body; physical)

somber [] adj. 昏暗的,阴森的,忧郁的(gloomy; dismal or depressing)

soothe [] vt. 缓和,使安静;安慰(to ease or relieve (pain, for example))

sop [] n. 有安慰作用的东西(a conciliatory bribe)v.浸湿,湿透(to wet thoroughly:soak)

soporific [] adj. 催眠的,懒惰的,昏昏沉沉的 n. 安眠药

sordid [] adj. 肮脏的,不干净的,卑鄙的(base,vile; dirty, filthy)

sound [] adj. 健康的,强壮的,有效的,合理的

sparse [] adj. 稀疏的,薄的(not thickly grown or settled)

speck [] n. 小点,斑点,少量(a very small amount:bit)

spelunker [] n. 业余的洞窟探勘者

spent [] adj. 精疲力竭的,失去效用的(drained of energy or effectiveness:exhausted)

spindly [] adj.细长的,纤弱的(frail or flimsy in appearance or structure)

spiny [] adj. 多刺的,棘手的(abounding with difficulties or annoyances:thorny)

spire [] n. 教堂的尖塔,尖顶(the upper tapering part of something; pinnacle)

spleen [] n.脾,脾气,怒气,怨恨(feelings of anger or ill will often suppressed)

spoke [] n.(车轮上)幅条,阻碍物

spoof [] n. 轻松幽默的模仿(a light humorous parody)

sporadic [] adj. 偶尔发生的,零星发生的(occurring occasionally)

sprain [] n. 扭伤,扭筋(to injure by a sudden or severe twist ;wrench)

sprawling adj. 植物蔓生的;(城市)无计划地扩展延伸的

sprightly [] adj.愉快的,活泼的(marked by a gay lightness and vivacity)

spurn [] v. 拒绝,摈弃(to reject with disdain or contempt:scorn)

squabble [] n. 争论,口角,小争吵(spat,tiff;a minor quarrel)

squall [] n.小骚乱 狂风,暴风雪,哇哇叫声(a short-lived commotion)

squander [] vt. 浪费,使分散(to spend extravagantly or foolishly:dissipate)

square [  ] v. 一致,符合,结清(to bring into balance;settle)

squat [] adj. 敦实的,矮壮结实的(marked by disproportionate shortness or thickness)

squint [] v. 斜视(to look or peer with eyes partly closed)

squelch [] n. v. 压制,镇压(to completely suppress:quell)

stagnant [] adj. 不流动的,停滞的,不活泼的(not flowing in a current or stream)

staid [] adj. 稳重的,沉着的(marked by settled sedateness and often prim self-restraint)

stalwart [] adj.健壮的,坚定的(marked by outstanding strength and vigor)

stamina [] n. 体力,耐力(staying power, endurance)

stealth [] n. 秘密行动,鬼祟(the act or action of proceeding furtively, secretly, or imperceptibly)

steep [] vt. vi. 浸,泡(to cover with or plunge into a liquid)

steep 2 adj. 陡峭的,非常高难以接受的(extremely or excessively high)

stench [] n.臭气,恶臭v.(使)发恶臭(to emit a strong offensive odor:stink)

stentorian [] adj.声音宏亮的(extremely loud)

stiff [] adj. 僵硬的;呆板的(lacking in suppleness or responsiveness)

stigma [] n. 耻辱,污名(a mark of shame or discredit:stain)

stilted [] adj. 夸张的,高傲的;不自然的(pompous, lofty ;formal, stiff)

stockade [] n. 栅栏,围栏(an enclosure or pen made with posts and stakes)

stodgy [] adj. 平庸的,乏味的(boring, dull)非常守旧的(extremely old-fashioned)

stoic [] adj. 禁欲的,坚忍的,冷静的(not showing passion)n.坚忍克己的人

stolid [] adj. 无动于衷的,感情麻木的(expressing little or no sensibility:unemotional)

stonewall v. 拒绝(合作)(to refuse to comply or cooperate with)

strata [  ] n. (单数为stratum)层次,社会阶层

strait [] n. 海峡;(pl) 困境,窘迫

stand 2 vi.搁浅 vt.使搁浅, 使落后, 使陷于困境 n. 海滨, 河岸

strength [] n. 力量,强度,浓度(degree of potency of effect or of concentration)

stricture [] n. 严厉谴责,束缚(an adverse criticism•censure;restriction)

strike [] v. 冲制(奖牌)(to form by stamping, printing, or punching)

stringent [] adj. 绷紧的,严厉的,缺钱的(tight, constricted)

strip [] v. 脱衣,剥夺(to remove clothing, covering, or surface matter from)

strut [] vi. 趾高气扬地走(to walk with a pompous and affected air)n. 支柱,压杆(a structural

stultify [] vt. 使无效,抑制(to have a dulling or inhibiting effect on)使显得愚笨

stun [] vt. 使晕倒,使发愣(to make senseless or dizzy by:daze)

stupor [] n. 迟钝,麻痹,无知觉(a condition of greatly dulled or completely suspended

stunt [] v.阻碍(成长)(to hinder the normal growth, development, or progress of)

stygian [] adj. 漆黑的,幽暗的,地狱的(extremely dark, gloomy, or forbidding)

subjugate [] vt. 征服,镇压(to bring under control and governance as a subject)

submerge [] vt. 浸没,淹没 vi. 潜入水中(to cover or overflow with water)

subservient [] a. 奉承的,屈从的(obsequiously submissive)

substantial []adj. 物质的;真实的(real);重要的(important, essential)

substantiate [] vt. 证实(verify);使实体化(to give substance or form to:embody)

substantive [] adj. 巨额的,大量的;本质的,主要的

subterfuge [] n. 托辞,狡计(a deceptive device or stratagem)

subtlety n. 微妙;微妙的想法

subvert [] vt. 颠覆,推翻(to overturn or overthrow from the foundation•ruin)

succeed v. 接着发生,接续 继承,继任

succinct [] adj. 简明的,简洁的(compact precise expression without wasted words)

succor [] vt. n. 救援,援助(to go to the aid of:relieve)

succumb [  ] vi. 屈从,屈服,死

suffocate [] v. 使窒息(to stop the respiration of)

suffrage [  ] n. 投票,选举权

sulk [] v. 生气,愠怒(to be sullen or morose in mood usually because of a grievance)

sully [ ] v. 弄脏,玷污,使丢脸

summary [] n. 摘要(an abstract) adj.即刻的,仓促的(done without delay or formality)

summon [] vt. 召集;传唤出庭(to command by service of a summons to appear in court)

sumptuous [] adj. 豪华的,奢侈的(extremely costly, rich, luxurious, or magnificent)

superimpose [] n.置于他物之上,重叠;添加(to place or lay over or above something)

supersede v. 替代,取代,接替,撤换 废弃

supine [] adj. 懒散的(exhibiting indolent);仰卧的(lying on back)

supple [] adj. 柔软的,灵活的(easy and fluent without awkwardness);逢迎的,顺从的

supplicate [] v. 恳求,乞求(to make a humble entreaty; to ask for earnestly and humbly)

supposition [] n.猜想,推测(something that is supposed :hypothesis)

suppress [] vt. 抑制,禁止;镇压(to restrain from a usual course or action;subdue)

surcharge [] n. 超载(an excessive load or burden)

surfeit [] n.(食物)过量,过度(an overabundant supply:excess)

surly adj. 暴躁的,粗鲁的,敌意的;天阴沉沉的

suture [] n. 缝合vt. 缝合(to unite, close, or secure with sutures)

swagger [] v. 大摇大摆地走,吹牛(to walk with an air of overbearing)

swear [] vi. 诅咒(to use profane or obscene language:curse)

sweltering [] adj. 酷热的(oppressively hot)

swift adj. 快速的 机警的 短暂的,突然的

swill [] v.痛饮(to drink great drafts of:guzzle)

swindle [] vt. vi. 诈骗,骗取(to obtain money or property by fraud or deceit)

swing [] n. 摇摆,秋千(something that swings freely from or on a support)

sybarite [] n.(文语)沉于奢侈逸乐者,酒色之徒(voluptuary, sensualist)

syllogism [] n. 三段论法,演绎;诡辩

synergic [] adj. 协作的,合作的(working together:cooperating)

synonymous [] a. 同义的(alike in meaning or significance)

tactile [] adj. 有触觉的,能触知的(perceptible by touch:tangible)

taint [] vt. 污染,使腐败(corrupt) n. 污点,感染(a moral defect considered as a spot)

tamper [] v. 窜改,损害(to alter improperly)

tangent [] adj. 离题的,不相关的(diverging from an original purpose of course:

tangible [] adj. 可感知的,明显的(palpable);切实的,明确的(material)

tangy [] adj. 强烈的,扑鼻的(having or suggestive of a tang)

tantrum [] n. 勃然大怒,发脾气(a fit of bad temper)

tardy [] adj. 缓慢的,迟缓的(moving slowly :sluggish)

taper [] vi. vt.(使)逐渐变细,(使)逐渐减少(progressively narrowed toward one end)

tasty [] adj. 十分吸引人的(strikingly attractive or interesting)

tatty [] adj. 破旧的,褴褛的(rather worn, frayed, or dilapidated•shabby)

taut [] adj.(绳子)拉紧的(tightly drawn)整洁的, 紧张的

tawdry [] adj. 俗丽的, 非常华丽的(cheap and gaudy in appearance or quality; ignoble)

tear [] vi. 流泪;撕破;猛冲,狂奔(to move or act with violence, haste, or force)

teeter [] vi. 摇摆,摇摇欲坠(to move unsteadily:wobble)

temerity [] n.鲁莽,大胆(boldness; nerve)

temporize [] v. 调停;见风驶舵(to draw out discussions or negotiations so as to

temperate [] adj. 适度的,有节制的(marked by moderation)

tempestuous [] adj. 暴风雨的,暴乱的(of, relating to, or resembling a tempest)

tenacious [] adj. 顽强的,固执的(persistent in maintaining something valued or habitual)

tender [  ] adj. 纤弱的;v. 正式提出(to offer formally)

tenuous [ ] adj. 纤弱的(slender)内容贫乏的

tenure [  ] n. 占有,终身职位

tentative [  ] adj. 试验性的,暂时的 迟疑不决的(provisional; experimental)

terror [] n. 恐怖,可怕的人(a state of intense fear)

testimony [] n. 证词,声明 (a solemn declaration usually made orally by a witness under

testy [] adj. 易努的,暴躁的,性急的(easily annoyed:irritable)

tether [] vt.(用绳,铁链)拴系, 限定, 束缚(to fasten or restrain by or as if by a tether)

thaw [  ] v. 融化, 解冻

theocracy [ ] n.神权政治, 神政, 神权国家

theatrical [] adj. 1. 矫揉造作的2. 夸张的

threadbare [] adj. 磨破的,陈腐的(exhausted of interest or freshness)

throng [] vi. 群集,拥挤(to crowd together in great numbers)

thwart [] v. 阻挠,使…受挫(to oppose successfully:defeat the hopes or aspirations of)

tidy [  ] adj. 整洁的 有条理,精确的

tightfisted [] adj. 吝啬的(reluctant to part with money)

tinker [] n. 修补匠 v. 拙劣地修补,胡乱地调整(to repair, adjust, or work with something in an

tint [] n. 色彩,浅色 v. 染色(to impart or apply a tint to:color)

toil [ ] n. 辛苦,苦工

tonic [] adj. 激励的,滋补的 n. 增进健康之物,补品(increasing or restoring physical or

topsoil [] n.表层土(surface soil usually including the organic layer)

torpid [] adj. 迟钝的,缺乏兴趣的(lacking in energy or vigor • apathetic, dull)

torpor [] n. 麻木,无感觉,不活泼(lethargy; sluggishness; dormancy)

torrid [] adj. 酷热的(giving off intense heat•scorching)

torrential [] adj. 急流的,猛烈的(caused by or resulting from action of rapid streams)

tortuous [] adj.委婉的 ;曲折的(marked by devious or indirect tactics: crooked, tricky)

toy [] vi. 草率不认真地对待(to treat something casually or without seriousness:trifle)

transfigure [] vt. 改观,美化(to give a new and typically exalted or spiritual appearance

transparent [] adj. 透明的,明显的(obvious);坦率的(free from pretense or deceit)

trauma [  ] n. 外伤,损伤

travail [] n. vi. 辛苦劳动(work especially of a painful or laborious nature • toil)

trespass [] vi. 侵入 vt.冒犯,违反(violate)

tribute [] n.贡物;颂词(a gift, payment, declaration)

trite [] adj. 陈腐的,陈词滥调的(hackneyed or boring from much use•not fresh or original)

trove [  ] n. 被发现的东西,收藏的东西

truant [] adj. 逃避责任的(shirking responsibility)n. 逃学者,逃避者

truculent [] adj. 残暴的,凶狠的(cruel, savage);好战的(aggressively self-assertive)

twig [] n.小枝,嫩枝(a small shoot)v.理解

truss [] n. 构架,托架(a rigid framework, as of wooden beams or metal bars, designed to

tumult [] n.骚动,暴动,吵闹(commotion)情绪激动(agitation of the mind or emotions)

turbid [] adj.混浊的, 脏的, 混乱的

turgid [] adj. 浮肿的,浮夸的(excessively embellished in style or language)

turmoil [] n. 骚动,混乱(a state or condition of extreme confusion, agitation, or commotion)

turpitude[] n. 奸恶, 卑鄙(inherent baseness:depravity; a base act)

ubiquitous [] adj.无所不在的,普通的(being everywhere at the same time)

unassailable [] adj. 无可争辩的,无法否认的(Impossible to dispute or disprove)

umbrage [  ] n. 不快,阴影(resentment; anger; sense of injury or insult)

uncanny [] adj. 离奇的,奇异的(seeming to have a supernatural character or origin)

uncouth [] adj. 笨拙的,粗俗的(awkward in appearance, manner, or behavior)

unctuous [] adj. 油质的(fatty, oily);假装热心的(marked by a false earnestness)

unexceptionable [] adj. 无懈可击的(not open to criticism•beyond reproach)

unfailing adj. 经久不衰的 用不完的,无止息的 可靠的,忠贞不渝的

ungainly [] adj.笨拙的,不雅的(lacking in smoothness or dexterity•clumsy)

unlettered [] adj. 未受教育的,无学问的,文盲的(lacking facility in reading and writing and

unrequited [] adj. 无报答的,无报酬的(not reciprocated or returned in kind)

unruly [] adj.难驾驭的,蛮横的(not readily ruled or managed;presumptuous)

unsettling v. 令人不安的,扰乱的,使困窘的

untoward [] adj. 不利的,不吉利的(not favorable:adverse, unpropitious)

unwitting [] adj. 不知道的,未觉察的(not knowing•unaware)

unwonted [] adj. 不习惯的,不寻常的(not accustomed by experience)

utter [] vt. 出声;发表,宣布(pronounce, speak)adj. 绝对的,完全的,十足的(absolute, total)

vacuous [] adj.愚蠢的, 空洞的(marked by lack of ideas or intelligence•stupid, inane)

vainglorious adj. 虚荣的

valid [] adj. 正确的(logically correct);有根据的(well-grounded);有效的(effective)

vanquish [] vt. 打败,征服,克服(to defeat in a conflict or contest)

vapid [] adj. 索然无味的,乏味的(lacking liveliness, tang, briskness, or force:flat, dull)

variance [] n. 变化,差异,不一致(difference, variation)

varnish [] n. 清漆 v. 涂上清漆,使有光泽(to apply varnish to)

vault [] n. 有拱形天花板的地窖, 金库(a room or compartment for the safekeeping of valuables)

vaunt [] v. 自夸(to make a vain display of one's own worth or attainments:brag)

vehement [] adj.(情感)强烈的,热情洋溢的(intensely emotional:impassioned, fervid)

venal [] adj. 可用钱收买的,贪污受贿的(capable of being bribed; corrupt)

venial [] adj. 可宽恕的(forgivable, pardonable)

venom [] n. 毒液(poison of an animal);强烈的憎恶或敌意(hatred)

verbatim [] adj. 逐字的,一字不差的,直译的(following the exact words)

verify [] vt. 校验,查证,证实(to establish the truth, accuracy, or reality of)

veritable [] adj. 真正的,确实的(not false, unreal, or imaginary)

verisimilar [] adj. 好象真实的,逼真的(having the appearance of truth :probable)

verse [  ] n. 诗歌 v. 使精通(to familiarize by study or experience)

vestige [] n .遗迹, 痕迹;(用于否定)丝毫;一点儿(the smallest quantity or trace)

vestigial [] adj. 退化的,发育不全的(small and degenerate or imperfectly developed)

veteran [] n. 老兵,老手(an old soldier of long service)adj. 经验丰富的

viable [] adj. 能活的,能生育的(capable of living)

vicious [] adj. 邪恶的,堕落的(having the nature or quality of vice or immorality:depraved)

victimize [] v.使受骗,牺牲(to subject to deception or fraud:cheat)

vignette [] n.(戏剧或电影中的)小插曲(a brief incident or scene as in a play or movie)

virtuoso [] n. 艺术鉴赏家,大师,专家(an experimenter in the arts and sciences:savant)

virtuous [] adj. 品德高尚的,正直的(morally excellent:righteous)

vitiate [] v. 消弱,损害(to make faulty or defective:impair)

vitrify [] v. 使成玻璃状(to convert into a glassy substance by heat and fusion)

vitriolic [] adj.刻薄的;硫酸的(bitterly scathing; caustic)

vituperate [] vt. 谩骂, 责骂(to abuse or censure severely or abusively:berate)

vociferous [] adj. 喧哗的,大叫大嚷的(marked by vehement insistent outcry)

volition [] n.行使意志,决择(an act of making a choice or decision)

voracious [] adj.贪婪的,狼吞虎咽的(insatiable;having a huge appetite)

votary [] n. 热心者,崇拜者,信徒(enthusiast, devotee;a devout or zealous worshiper)

vulgar [] adj. 粗俗的,无教养的,通俗的(lacking in cultivation, perception, or taste:coarse)

wan [] adj.苍白的,病态的, 暗淡的(suggestive of poor health•sickly, pallid)

wary [] adj. 小心的,机警的,谨慎的(very cautious; watchful)

waylay [] vt.埋伏, 伏击, 抢劫(to lie in wait for or attack from ambush)

weird [  ] adj. 怪异的, 超自然的;神秘的, 不可思议的

whet [] vt. 磨快,使兴奋,刺激(to make keen or more acute:excite, stimulate)

wholesome [] adj. 有益健康的(promoting health or well-being of spirit,body or morals)

wickedness [] n.邪恶, 不道德(the quality or state of being morally very bad)

wince [] v. 避开,畏缩(to shrink back involuntarily as from pain)

windy [] adj. 冗长的,吹嘘的(verbose, bombastic)

wistful [  ] adj. 渴望的

withdraw [] vi. 撤退,隐遁(to take back or away)

wither [] v.枯萎,凋谢(to become dry and sapless; especially •to shrivel from or as if from

withhold [] vt. 压制,拒给,不允许(to refrain from granting, giving, or allowing)

wobble [] vi. 摇晃,动摇,不稳定,犹豫(to move or proceed with an irregular rocking or

worldly [] adj. 世间的,世俗的(of this world rather than religion or spiritual affairs)老练的

wry [] adj. 扭曲的(having a bent shape)讽刺的(cleverly and often ironically humorous)

yoke [] vt. 给…上轭,连接,结合(to join as if by a yoke)

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